I specialise in working with working with new businesses and helping them start-up, websites, logos, social media. I can then teach you to maintain these portals yourself.
Have over 25 years of experience in all aspects of office work and environments. I know how a business works and what is needed for small entrepreneurial companies.
Recently I have set up a company called ArtLux -
www.artlux.co.uk and have set up the website, logo, social media, flyers, business cards and creating an awareness of the product.
A local lady who sells the most marvellous bespoke marble tables required a website and flyers designing
www.scandiinterior.com, this was all done on budget and time.
I am a one stop office and can help and support you with growing your business and supporting you along the way with spreadsheets, accounts, cold calling.
Contact me at clare@the1office and I can let you have further recommendations if required.