Postby BlingSling » Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:56 pm
How disingenuous that article is.
Apart form people in known 'black holes' for school places, the problem for most parents is wildly overstated in her article. The frenzy is in is wanting to be in the same 'in' school as everyone else, and the shenanigans in renting. There ARE places, but perhaps the catchment isn't quite right....the children aren't quite right.
In a school near me in Lambeth there was a terrible issue with rentals and siblings - the same flats would come up year after year for rent, and as each family moved in for just one year, ensuring places for perhaps 3 kids, they would move on and another family would get their bills directed their for the following year, ensuring another few sibling places. With a few flats like that on the market next to the school, you son get years when not even all the siblings can get a place. Perhaps the writer of the Telegraph piece might not even have got her initial place with that sort of thing going on at the end of her road.
The problem is just as bad at secondary - I know of no less than 3 families who rented to get into Graveney - claiming at least 8 places between them. Pity the poor Furzedown residents -where is their sense of community when everyone is moving in and out the whole time?
The people I feel sorry for are families who do not selfishly scam the system, and desperately need to move house because they have a growing family, but because of rising house prices (because of the families who have bought their way into a favoured catchment) cannot stay I the area and have to move out possibly losing a school place. If that is you, Honeybee - sympathies.
Parents have caused all this, we need to calm down. Not everyone can go to the same school. There are many excellent schools in the area. There are enough places to go round - just not enough in the favoured middle class chosen few.