7 Reasons to choose a Dolphin Education

Last Updated on : 25th November 2022

1. Our inspection report

Released in November 2022, Dolphin School Trust and Noah’s Ark Nurseries were graded Excellent by the ISI. There is so much positive content in the report to digest that we have created a summary document for you to read on our website.
“They nurture and care for each other and show a wealth of kindness and friendship, reflecting the ethos of the school. In an open and affirming environment, pupils care for each other at times of vulnerability and show kindness and friendship in abundance. Pupils know where to seek help and embrace a resilient approach to challenges that they may face. They have a robust sense of well-being and positive attitude to life.”


2. Small and attentive classes, rich with time for each other

Our prep school class sizes typically range from 14-16 which even for the independent sector is small. This underpins the education we provide to our pupils, giving them time and space in which to discover their interests and hone their skills. We can give time to our pupils and families and support them through the various transition points in the school.

3. Robust Academics.

Our staff know their pupils, and the curriculum, and tailor our curriculum to adapt work to support each pupil individually. Leaders monitor progress subtly and effectively to help ensure every child has the best opportunities. The curriculum is well balanced to support core academics alongside important subjects such as humanities, sports and the arts. The preparation for 11+ is considered an individual journey where older pupils plot their own progress (using a Mount Everest wall chart) in their climb to success. Our pupils sit exams in a non-pressured, but highly successful environment. They aren’t competing against each other, but for each other.

4. Pastoral care

We value the uniqueness of each child and support them to learn through mistakes, adventure and humour. We treat them as they are to be treated – as individuals and not a cohort. Children are given opportunities to celebrate success, perform, speak in public, compete in fixtures or submit artwork for competitions. This is done with a ‘have a go’ attitude and pupils are regularly surprised at the standards that they reach. They are highly motivated, literate and articulate in their way of life.

5. The strength of our supportive and embracing community.

Dolphin School has a strong community where children from nurseries to Year 6 know everyone’s name, parents mix across year groups and someone is always there to support you if you need help or a friendly ear. The Senior Team knows every family and greets them every morning, and without an appointment, parents can attend assemblies every week and drop-in sessions in the  class every three weeks in the younger years. This is a close-knit community brimming with energy to help each other.

6. The Early Years

As our inspection report identities, our Early Years Foundation Stage programme is particularly strong, from Nursery to the end of the reception year. Pupils are encouraged to be confident, independent and make positive choices in their learning. Supported closely by experienced teachers and their parents, children make excellent progress in the Early Years.

7. Our ethos.

Having a school with a Christian ethos is not something to be weary of. Not all families are christian, and we aren’t selective in any way. If you want your children to have strong values around compassion, tolerance, respect and empathy, our ethos provides all of this at the very least. Everyone can relate to an aspect of our teaching and philosophy and take home our central message -we are all equal and should be respected as so.

If you would like to visit Dolphin School Trust, inc. Noah’s Ark Nurseries, please contact Mrs Benson – admissions@dolphinschool.org.uk

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