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Re: Please sign and share this petition to help save au pairing from the threats of Brexit

by MonkeySee » Mon Jun 11, 2018 12:11 pm

You can't actaully legally get an au pair from the US because of immigration and working visa treaties. That's sort of the point.

Re: Please sign and share this petition to help save au pairing from the threats of Brexit

by rooting4tooting » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:58 am

typical scaremongering... you might have to get an au-pair from the USA or Canada or further afield.. Also you might have to get one from Scotland, Ireland or Wales...
that's it you desperate remainers. frighten the housewives of Wandsworth to nag their husbands...
utterly pathetic straw clutch..
Lets get out of the EU and get on with our lives...

Re: Please sign and share this petition to help save au pairing from the threats of Brexit

by GuyD73 » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:22 am

Thanks for this post. I wonder if the fact that Brexit threatens the supply of au pairs might shake SW London remainers out of their collective apathy and begin to use their voice to oppose it. It seems many people are just hoping that Brexit will collapse under the weight of its own contradictions, but I think that's dangerously complacent and we should all be fighting for our children's futures.

I guess when the UN reports that "UK 'more racist' after Brexit" and that "anti-foreigner rhetoric" had become "normalised" in the UK since the EU referendum, then the fact lots of EU young people are choosing not to come to an unwelcoming Britain is hardly surprising. ... r-families

Parliament votes on some crucial Lords' amendments on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, so I'll be going up to join the protest outside Parliament after school with my kids (3 and 5). We'll take a picnic and there will also be some people from Open Britain campaign group who'll be making a short film featuring families like ours. If anyone has strong views on Brexit, whether it be the threat to your business or the rights and freedoms which will be removed from your children, and is happy to be featured in the film, then please give me a shout and come and join us or I'll put you in touch with the media team in Millbank Tower.

I'd also encourage as many remainers as possible to march on Parliament on the 23rd to demand a Peoples Vote on the deal. Time is short, government's a shambles, the cliff edge approaches. What will you do to help stop Brexit?

Please sign and share this petition to help save au pairing from the threats of Brexit

by Smhsmhsmh » Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:46 pm ... -of-brexit

Many of us locally have or have had au pairs - please sign and share this new petition.

AU PAIRING between the UK and EU is under severe threat from the uncertainty of Brexit, which could spell an end to au pairs from the EU joining families in the UK, and an end to UK young people joining families in the EU.

Au pairing is a unique form of cultural exchange for young people that is neither work nor holiday, and where visits last much longer than typical holidays. It therefore requires clear provision in immigration law for suitable rights that are different to work or holiday visas. These rights existed for 30 years before the UK joined the Common Market and will need to exist again after the UK leaves the EU. However, at present there seem to be NO PLANS for such arrangements in any Brexit proposals.

As a result, Europe’s oldest, simplest and most effective cultural exchange programme between the UK and EU countries could simply come to a halt.

This would mean an end to the mutually beneficial exchange that takes place between a young person and a family with children. An end to the tradition where a young person joins a family as a temporary family member, providing help with childcare and family activities in exchange for a secure place in the family and for pocket money. An end to the programme of individual learning (particularly of the host country language) and mutual cultural exchange.

It would also be a catastrophe for thousands of hard working families, as they struggle to adjust their work and living arrangements, and a hit on the productivity of UK plc.

This valuable experience needs to be protected, to give young people and families a clear and secure basis on which to continue to enjoy the benefits of au pairing.

We call on Theresa May, David Davis and UK negotiators, and on Jean-Claude Juncker, Michel Barnier and all EU Heads of State, to make clear and unambiguous arrangements that ensure the door stays open for young people throughout the EU to make extended visits to the UK and for UK young people to make extended visits to the EU for the once-in-a-lifetime experience of au pairing.
