by Annabel (admin) » Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:08 pm
Worrying photo of a tree which fell on Wexford Road earlier this week blocking the road to traffic.
As far as we know no-one was hurt and it looks like the cause of the fall was the recent wet weather combined with a rotten trunk. The debris was moved swiftly the following day and although pedestrians could still use the road cars were obviously blocked.
Worrying photo of a tree which fell on Wexford Road earlier this week blocking the road to traffic.
As far as we know no-one was hurt and it looks like the cause of the fall was the recent wet weather combined with a rotten trunk. The debris was moved swiftly the following day and although pedestrians could still use the road cars were obviously blocked.
[attachment=0]screen shot of tree.jpg[/attachment]