Search found 156 matches

Re: Husband rude to brother in law

Sounds like your talk of ski trips and general comfortable life has been riling your BIL for years, and he’s finally found something to retaliate with. I agree that your husband needs to make the first move and also apologise to your mum asap. Can he take your BIL to one side over Xmas, apologise fo...
Replies: 20
Mon Dec 16, 2024 8:55 am

Re: Parents not paying for end of year present?

Sorry you’re in this situation - I know how frustrating it can be. I use the Collctiv app now - send the class a link - give them a second warning about 3 days before you’re going to close it - close the collection - spend what you have. People can leave messages on there which you could put in a ca...
Replies: 16
Mon Jul 03, 2023 7:33 am

Re: How do I deal with daughter's very badly behaved friend

Very good advice above to speak to your form teacher. I would not raise it with the parents - people can be very defensive and if something is going on there they could start accusing you of stuff.
Replies: 15
Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:41 am

Re: Ex constatntly swapping his childcare weekends around

I would like to add that I realise it’s not an easy thing to do. Especially if your kids are small. Maybe sit down together and work out what the other options are.
Replies: 3
Mon Feb 27, 2023 7:51 am

Re: Ex constatntly swapping his childcare weekends around

I agree with the post above. Dads rely on mum’s not wanting to “abandon” their kids and really take the proverbial. He’ll only do it more if you keep helping out. What would he do if you said that you couldn’t have them on your week/weekends? I’m willing to bet he wouldn’t offer… Also you don’t want...
Replies: 3
Mon Feb 27, 2023 7:44 am

Re: Dilemma SIL

I agree with RumourMill - sounds like she has unresolved issues. If she’s the matriarch maybe she feels she’s owed something for all the work she (feels she) put in at some point. Lots of older kids feel the younger ones were spoilt and they got an unfair deal. Or many she is just extremely jealous....
Replies: 10
Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:56 am

Re: Classical pilates classes

Mark and Sharon at English Wren Pilates are brilliant - they spend a lot of time thinking about how bodies work and teach Pilates properly (which a lot of places don’t do).
They’re based opposite the Nightingale pub on the corner of Western Lane underneath Roundhouse.
Forum: Wellbeing
Replies: 6
Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:53 am

Re: Permanently grumpy husband

dchwong that made me chuckle - but maybe he’s pretending to be grumpy more than if you didn’t use those tactics 😆
Replies: 22
Mon Dec 12, 2022 7:52 am

Re: My mother cut my daughters hair without my permission 2022

I wonder what you’d feel if it was your own mother - you’d possibly be able to shout and rant and get over it, but because it’s your MIL it’s quite tricky.. As someone else suggested maybe speak to her - you probably won’t get closure from your husband having a quick word.
Replies: 22
Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:18 am

Re: After school nanny eating our food

“No judgement” meaning “only post if you agree with me…” it doesn’t quite work like that…
Forum: Childcare
Replies: 25
Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:21 am

Re: Can I insist my daughter moves to another class because of her next teacher?

This situation is far from unique - every school has teachers that your kids don’t like or feel aren’t good at teaching (esp when they get to secondary school and have far more opinions..). There are always parents who complain but I’m pretty sure all it achieves is getting them a reputation with th...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 6
Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:39 am

Re: When to stop buying presents for friends children

For godchildren etc we stopped at 18 but for the kids of other friends I had a conversation around 12/13 (basically when they become a nightmare to buy for) and my friends were just as grateful not to have to buy for my kids. If you turn up with the odd thing randomly when you see them that’s nicer ...
Replies: 5
Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:27 am

Re: Daughter's best friend and family quite religious and she is asking why we don't pray

This is a great thread as it sums up most aspects of parenting - ie your kids wanting to explore the world, try new things and hear different views, and you being there to guide them to be sensible and kind but also to encourage them to think for themselves and not control their thought process. If ...
Forum: Childcare
Replies: 30
Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:21 am

Re: Colette closing on Northcote Road

Personally quite pleased Jigsaw is going - one of my least favourite high st shops.
But another optician 😫
Replies: 47
Mon Jun 06, 2022 5:59 am

Re: Time of Veolia Refuse Collections

Ooo that‘s v unreasonable. We get cross with the road cleaner who comes down our road earlyish (8…) on a weekend but our rubbish collection is thankfully the more human time of about 9.30.
Best of luck..
Replies: 5
Mon May 09, 2022 6:16 am