Search found 458 matches

Please support XeroE's sustainable transport crowd funder

Your chance to invest in XeroE and back us to help cities enjoy cleaner air with emission-free deliveries. We’re really excited that after just two days, we’re more than 50% funded with £226,249 committed. Our expansion plan will see us roll out to 23 towns and cities by the end of 2023, removing th...
Replies: 0
Thu Dec 08, 2022 1:48 pm

Holiday clubs for 8 and 9 year olds next week?

We've done a week or two of gymnfinity earlier in the summer but we're at a bit of a loss for next week.  We've seen a little bit of availability at Arty Party in Clapham but it's a bit tricky for us to get to. Given there aren't AP workshops at the scout hut on Lyford rd, does anyone know if anythi...
Replies: 0
Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:03 am

20% off cargo bike rides for school run or half term activities from Pedal Me.

Pedal Me is a cargo bike service that transports people and freight around London. We've a discount code - schoolrunfeb - which gets you 20% off and can be used twice We have 80 bikes now and riders are all DBS checked.  Zero accidents impacting passengers in 4+ years. Parents get a live tracking li...
Replies: 0
Thu Feb 10, 2022 4:55 pm

Re: Thomas' Parents please don't park on street corners

Thanks for the kind words Dimelda.  I just think the key to decarbonising cities is discouraging short journeys by car and make all other options better and safer - stick and carrot - and a big part of that is the school run.  Anyway, I've set up a group for Battersea and Wandsworth parents who are ...
Replies: 46
Wed Jan 26, 2022 2:30 pm

Re: Thomas' Parents please don't park on street corners

Thank you OP for the post and I pretty much concur with 99% of what the other posters have said - this is a huge issue and needs some action from schools, councils and parents. I don’t know that particular Thomas’ well but I see this all over London, private and state schools, dangerous and inconsi...
Replies: 46
Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:17 am

Bulb customer? Try Octopus for renewable energy and get £50 off your first bill

We were with bulb for years so sad to hear of their demise but we've been with Octopus for a little while now and generally found their pricing competitive and their customer service pretty good.  You get £50 off your first bill if you sign up using this link (I get £50 too!) https://share.octopus.e...
Replies: 0
Mon Nov 22, 2021 3:23 pm

Re: Cryptocurrency Training offered

OMG, I absolutely LOVE how this post has come back to life in a week where.... spam spam spam (admin will delete when they see this!) hit its ALL TIME HIGH of $67k before retracing (congrats anyone who bought the dip) The first spam spam spam (admin will delete when they see this!) ETF was licensed ...
Replies: 19
Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:55 am

E-cargo bike riding jobs at fantastic young logistics company Pedalme

I’ve recently joined a brilliant E-cargo bike logistics company called Pedalme and we're hiring riders in considerable numbers to service the growth we're seeing in terms of moving both people and cargo around London, 7 days a week.    I love that the company policy is ‘Everyone rides’, with CEO/ma...
Replies: 0
Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:49 pm

Wild weekend 10-12 September – 40% off tickets – in Sussex an hour from London

We’ve just come back last bank holiday weekend from a fabulous little family festival called Into the Wild which was held in beautiful countryside just south of East Grinstead in Sussex, about an hour away. The organisers have been doing smaller ‘wild weekend’ events with a very similar line up of ...
Replies: 0
Sat Sep 04, 2021 8:54 am

Re: Are you Sw18sw18? Crypto thread...

Dudette, it's a little rude and judgemental of you to call me "right on". I'm not even sure what that means anymore, but in the same way that 'woke' is used as an insult by the average Daily Mail reader, when I consider it to mean someone conscious of injustice and structural inequality, o...
Replies: 17
Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:30 pm

Nasty nationalist propaganda being pushed in our schools. This article pretty much says it all. I've already emailed the head and told my kids if they are asked to sing it, to refuse and for us to be called. The UK sinks into greater Brexity de...
Replies: 5
Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:10 pm

Re: Are you Sw18sw18? Crypto thread...

Thanks very much for your reply Sw18sw18, I totally understand your wish for anonymity and congratulations on your success.   Annabel, I completely understand you jumping in. I assumed that crypto being very high risk would be absolutely self-evident but perhaps I could have been clearer about that...
Replies: 17
Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:07 am

Re: Are you Sw18sw18? Crypto thread...

Splendid evening thank you yes :)
Perhaps google it. In the crypto world the acronym is DYOR 👍
You seem to be on here constantly Chorister, I worry you have a rather sad little existence. Get out a bit more perhaps, now we can 😆
Replies: 17
Tue Jun 01, 2021 11:29 pm

Are you Sw18sw18? Crypto thread...

You very kindly posted in response to a thread I started about cryptocurrency and blockchain.  I'm sorry I didn't respond quickly enough and you seem to have deleted the profile with which you replied. I would be so grateful for the chance to hear your thoughts on different aspects of the market/eco...
Replies: 17
Tue Jun 01, 2021 10:13 pm