Search found 374 matches

Re: How do you keep your children grounded?

I often talk about the cost of things and relative value with my children. Even if I can afford things, I make a point to tell them why I don’t think something is good value. If they ask for treats, they get one of I will maybe mention how I don’t want to waste money on xyz. Not in a negative way, b...
Replies: 19
Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:34 pm

Re: Suspect son has ADHD...where to start with diagnosis process?

Did it sound like it was a toxic reply ?? It was NOT. There is early evidence of occurrence of bad microbiome, which is linked to neurological development changes which is common in adhd children. There is a pattern. This is all early research. There is no harm in starting with diet and reducing UPF...
Replies: 10
Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:52 pm

Re: Suspect son has ADHD...where to start with diagnosis process?

If you do get a diagnose, the question is then what ? Please do not underestimate the importance of diet, eliminating junk food, UPFs. Sleep, managing screen time and managing lifestyle as much as possible to work with the body and not against it. Really can make a difference. I have friends who tri...
Replies: 10
Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:15 pm

Re: White at a wedding?

Every sane woman fully knows NOT to wear any shade of white or ivory to a wedding. End of . People go crazy at weddings, your wife is having her moment clearly. Your poor daughter, this is the last stress she needs. Support your daughter in this and try to make your wife see sense. She’s only making...
Replies: 10
Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:38 pm

Re: Anyone using their little brown food bin?

Ps as for storing the little caddy. I store it out of sight in my cleaning cupboard which is in the kitchen.
I take it out when prepping food, then put it back.
I leave the lid unlocked so can just open the lid quickly if needing to thrown something quickly when not cooking.
Replies: 31
Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:51 am

Re: Anyone using their little brown food bin?

Use them and zero issues. I find it hard to understand how some have the opposite experience. The outside bin closes fine, I’ve seen foxes in our road but none have gone for the food bin . We fill ours every week. Love not having food in the main bin which you open more often and would smell otherwi...
Replies: 31
Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:46 am

Re: Husband rude to brother in law

They have both been idiots, just because your husband lost it I don’t feel it makes your BIL’s behaviour any more acceptable. How is repeatedly making fun of someone’s insecurities fun or acceptable? Even when banter and people put up with it, it’s not fun . Given what you’ve described, your husband...
Replies: 20
Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:00 pm

Re: Blending Families: Struggling to Balance My Teen Daughter's Independence and New Dynamics

sorry, have to reply again. Why are you suggesting she can do what she wants as if there are no boundaries? It’s should be YOUR rules and boundaries and your husband should be allowed to expect her to follow and behave in a manner you expect her to. Do you let her bring people whenever over or party...
Replies: 7
Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:18 pm

Re: Blending Families: Struggling to Balance My Teen Daughter's Independence and New Dynamics

Whilst it’s great you’ve found love, I can understand your daughter’s perspective. Not only has she been through her parents divorcing, she’s also a teen. This is a lot of change to cope with . And now this. Frankly you can’t put her in a position to expect or demand anything. Your child comes first...
Replies: 7
Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:29 pm

Re: Traditional Christmas is causing issues with girlfriend

Sometimes traditions need to be broken, your girlfriend is the one sane one it seems …. Had you said the tradition was for the women to cook and men to wash up and then a joint walk or maybe women walk or whatever I get traditions matter, but you seem to be stuck in a different century. Your girlfri...
Replies: 40
Wed Dec 04, 2024 9:41 pm

Re: Parent smacking someone else’s child

Well it’s obviously crazy to behave like the dad did. I wouldn’t leave my child in their house again as if they think this is normal then you know all you need to know about them. As did the friendship, I wouldn’t involve the kids and explain yourself because imagine how unfair it is for the child w...
Replies: 18
Tue Dec 03, 2024 12:03 pm

Re: Reform voting housekeeper

So you want to cancel her? the woman you describe as a part of your family and highly regard as a Nanny McPhee type. Because you get to decide her opinions ? You get to decide which opinions are correct ? I really don’t think most people start fierce political debate, especially with or around child...
Replies: 28
Thu Nov 21, 2024 7:02 pm

Re: Son and his relationship with in-laws

Your son is in love, it’s natural he wants to be with his fiancé. She wants to be with her family, so he follows by choice. I recall my now husband coming with me abroad for Christmas to be with me over his family. I was going to mine regardless, but he chose to come to be with me. Maybe there is so...
Replies: 15
Wed Nov 20, 2024 9:44 pm

Re: Moth control

Again, no idea about these wasps. However, you have got to remove their source of food. There is often a source that needs to be destroyed. You don’t mention where it is , but consider if you have a dark cupboard/loft where they are munching on an old coat or rolled up carpet. Clean, air, go through...
Replies: 4
Mon Nov 18, 2024 10:21 am

Re: How many parcels is too many to take in for a neighbour?

Ps in your case, if they are at home they are taking the p—s

If they can’t get the door then they can walk to the pick up place or post office in their own time.

Nobody is that busy .
Replies: 12
Thu Nov 14, 2024 10:26 pm