Search found 20 matches

Re: Clapham Common bins…

Most parks and open spaces have a Friends of ... group as a way of liaising with their local council. There is a Friends of Clapham Common organisation It is 'a community and environmental group of over 500 members working to improve and protect Clapham Common'.   Bins are...
Replies: 4
Mon Nov 04, 2024 8:08 am

Re: Wandsworth food compost system - no liner bags provided - ridiculous

If you run short you could improvise and use the compostable bags some newspapers or other products get delivered in these days?
Replies: 18
Mon Sep 30, 2024 6:06 am

Re: Picture and mirror hanging

I second this thumbs up! Our house was transformed by Adam!  He has an amazing eye, is incredibly patient and very easy to collaborate with.  Highly recommend!
Replies: 6
Mon Jul 17, 2023 8:51 am

Re: What are you planning for your elderly parents in terms of care? spending a lot of time dwelling with no solution

From my limited experience in my own situation and that of a couple of friends I would urge caution expecting your parents/in laws to move closer to London to be nearer to you. Presumably they are happy where they are living and will have a network built up over the years of neighbours and friends. ...
Replies: 3
Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:26 am

Re: Volunteering opportunities during the Summe for 17 yrs old?


You could have a look on the Do It website

Or possibly a local foodbank, City Harvest or the Felix Project

Her age might be a stumbling block though as many organisations prefer their volunteers to be 18+ for safeguarding reasons.

Wishing her the best of luck.
Replies: 6
Mon May 22, 2023 9:59 am

Re: State of Clapham Common main pond

Hi muddyboots Most parks and green spaces have "Friends" groups whose main aim is maintaining their local green space.  I see that Clapham Common has one but, not being local, I have no idea how active it is.  It may be worth contacting them as they may be already be aware of this situatio...
Replies: 6
Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:55 am

Re: Clapham Common is not a rubbish tip.

Thank you for starting this thread. A national educational discussion about rubbish and waste is long overdue - I don’t think it is realistic to expect our cash strapped councils to simply pick up everything after us. People need to get in the habit of taking their rubbish home with them where it ca...
Replies: 4
Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:59 am

Re: in need of a new kitchen table

Petit Miracles in Shepherds Bush often have some interesting bits of furniture.  They are a social enterprise, upcycling old bits of furniture training people in the process.
Replies: 7
Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:14 am

Re: Rats on Tooting Common

I would be concerned if I were you and would definitely contact the Council and the Friends of Tooting Common group - if such a thing exists? If there are ducks on the lake the increase in rats may be as a result of people feeding them which will have increased as a result of lockdown. It would be g...
Replies: 9
Mon Mar 22, 2021 6:45 am

Gardening Club

Gardening Club. The Friends of Bishops Park Gardening Club meet once a month to carry out general work around the park under the aegis of the park’s Head Gardener Ian. No gardening knowledge or experience is necessary. Everyone is welcome. The next few dates are as follows: Wednesday 17 March, Wedne...
Forum: Activities
Replies: 0
Sat Mar 13, 2021 7:31 am

Re: any good venue ideas for an 18th birthday

You could try this website.

On another post someone mentioned a cinema in a railway arch in Herne Hill...
Replies: 2
Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:47 am

Gardening Group SW6

If you enjoy gardening, at whatever level, and have a bit of spare time on your hands why not volunteer for the Friends of Bishops Park gardening group? The next session is on Wednesday 3 March at 9.30, meet by the bowling green. Equipment will be provided, but if you have gloves please bring them. ...
Forum: Activities
Replies: 1
Tue Feb 16, 2021 3:13 pm

Re: Filthy Clapham Common / come on Lambeth

It doesn’t take too much time or commitment to organise a clean up operation. (I would help but am in SW6 and have a bit of experience as have done exactly this in my local park). You should be able to recruit people on the Nextdoor website which would have a more diverse demographic as I appreciate...
Replies: 11
Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:32 am

Re: Grandma's funeral

My sincere condolences to you.  I confess I have nothing to add to the very good advice you are receiving from others.  

Please please don't send a balloon up to the stars though - just adds to the littering problem and even worse causes a hazard to wildlife.  

Wishing you all the best.
Replies: 12
Mon Sep 23, 2019 10:25 am