There's a gorgeous shop & showroom for front doors on Northcote Road and the owner, Jack, is very helpful to speak to & not pushy. Definitely worth a visit.
A huge thank you to the NVN friend who recommended Jonathan Lewis for tree works. He has been an absolute pleasure to deal with - warm, professional and reasonably priced. Our tree was impossibly overgrown and now it's perfect; Jonathan took great care over how he pruned it and communicated at every...
Thank you very much for this information and helpful links. I was so shocked to see video footage of this happening on our street in SW11 and want to be prepared in case it happens to me or other neighbours.
I bought two at Apex Cycles on Clapham High St. It's well worth a visit and I advise phoning ahead to make sure the right person is there ready to advise you. Happy cycling!
You can hire a pressure washer cheaply and easily from Library of Things Remember to get some decking oil to put on straight after power washing - very easy to apply with a roller or big flat brush. Make sure...
Our attic was completely infested with moths when we moved in and our clothes eaten to shreds. I have used moth traps from John Lewis or Amazon ever since - Demi-Diamond Moth Trap. I replace the sticky papers every couple of months in summer and have one in each area where clothes are stored. It's b...
Hi Up Town Girl, I don't know if this is helpful but we get our nut roast every Christmas from Cook on Abbeville Rd and pop it straight in the oven from frozen. We always get their red onion gravy to go with it and it's a winner every time. We are lifelong vegetarians and have had a LOT of nut roast...
🌟 AT LAST LIBRARY OF THINGS IS OPEN! 🌟 Have you heard about Library of Things? It's amazing and now set up at Southside Shopping Centre. You can borrow useful things like carpet cleaners, DIY tools, projectors and cooking equipment for a few pounds a day. You can get 10% off your first borrow with t...
Great article - really illuminating to see behind the scenes at Smugglers Way. Thank you! I'm blown away by recycle now - I was introduced to it earlier this week and am amazed to discover how much of my general waste that can't go in the orange sacks can be recycled locally. https://www.recyclenow...