I really hope they don’t get the go ahead!
What a pain in the a-e it would be as at the moment if you collect a package you don’t need to pay for shopping just to get free parking . And the guy is really helpful .
There is absolutely no need for your daughter to be affected adversely as all you need to do is to cook healthily and ear as a family. I do hope you know the concept of calorie restriction is a total fallacy as food is so much more to the body than the basic calorie theory from the 1800s. Make it ev...
Yes, interesting debate, even if off toplc. I just wanted to clarify. I hope the OP manages to survive Xmas. Perhaps I should have said we own our reactions. There is always a choice, even if it doesn’t always feel like it in the moment. It easier and more comfortable to blame the person who makes y...
Chorister, I know it might seem odd, the concept of owning your feelings. People protest and say, “but hang on, so and so was being a total cow” etc The point is, for personal growth, we need to accept that we can’t change others. We can only control ourselves and how we choose to react. It’s not ea...
Nobody should have knots in their stomach thinking about Xmas . From what you wrote, I can’t help but wonder how much of this is about you and your own confidence. The way you describe her as being successful and apologetic about your own choice to not work. We are responsible for our own feelings, ...
So far Mathnasium on northcote road has been an absolute joke of an organisation. That was just the process of trying to enrol and do their assessment . Disorganised, failing to get information right despite repeated corrections. It’s loud in there and can’t see now kids can concentrate. I think 1:1...
Things certainly have changed in the last 15 yrs. Parking is one! It’s now gone up so much I do think twice before parking near shopping streets since Wandsworth put the cost up to £3.90/hr! Before I would park wherever all the time and not care. Wandsworth are not helping local businesses by puttin...
Hi, I’m sorry that your daughter experienced this and was distressed. It wasn’t clear who did this and if other people were around to be able to do something. Who did this? Was is a grown man or school boys? It would be a serious matter if the former. Girls have the right to walk home in peace witho...
Short answer, you can’t. It’s his habit and it requires his own will. However, what can help is the following. If he’s willing to try. Ask him, out of all the cigarettes he smokes which one can he let go off. The only he has just because but can really do without. This is the first one to let go off...
Does anyone on Manchuria road know of a sweary older lady who’s often verbally abusive to children?? We’ve encountered her before, funnily enough during Halloween. She was saying “do you believe in God?? “ And was irate and started swearing. Today my daughter was walking past her herself and this ps...
And I suppose you also don’t want grannies smiling at your kids on the bus? Unless someone is being inappropriate which is not what you are suggesting, I totally disagree. It’s normal to interact in society and I feel Sorry for the person you are complaining about. I can imagine it’s very dull to st...