Try Matemwe Bungalows in Zanzibar - and make sure you visit Stonetown - an absolutely fascinating place with masses of history (I'm not a travel agent). The monument in the cathedral put up after independence to commemorate the people from the Royal Navy who died combatting slavery might offer you ...
I'm not a lawyer, and someone who is may offer better advice, but ask yourself: 1. Has the specification changed at all ie have you added to the work on which he quoted, or was it never really agreed in detail? 2. Has he explained in detail why it is more expensive? 3. Are you happy with the way the...
" My sister who I love dearly .............. " whose " family struggles for money " perhaps can't borrow the holiday home that you can afford because of " a broken wine glass " in the pool ............. your own relationship must of course take priority, but may be you...
It would be almost trivial to include in the system a mechanism to allow someone picking up a parcel to be exempted, or better still for no charge to kick in for the first 10 minutes. You would probably have a much better chance pressing for that sort of system rather than opposing it.
readysteadycook wrote " Nothing to do with the climate scam ". Which "climate scam" would that be? Do you really not understand how simple it is? Radiation arrives from the sun at short visible / ultraviolet wavelengths. About 30% is reflected / radiated back to space at long...
We have always found Cook really excellent, supplying generous portions of very tasty food. And in addition the company has a wonderful programme of employing ex convicts. Definitely try them and if you like it then keep supporting a decent company. And to be clear I have no connection with them exc...
No contest - Jane Graham of Jane’s plumbing on 07908 959937 email She’s ex Pimlico Plumbers (couldn’t stand the misogyny). We’ve used her for years and never had a single complaint.
James Delamere at Delamere Nicolet 01372 308929 - really reliable and professional. I'm not sure about fees for a job like this as he has never done structural work for us.
A W Roofing (Alan Woods Roofing) has done two jobs for us,, absolutely reliable, excellent quality and very reasonable, though probably not the absolute cheapest you could find.
Try the Bespoke Front Door Company instead - they did a custom designed front door for us some years ago and were excellent.
Either way, with all the stuff going on around the world, I guess we could all agree that we are happy to live in a society where this even gets a mention!