Hi there Elsie. I found it really hard to understand the system here coming from a different country (and still do, 15+ years later!). I am more over the Wandsworth way so don't know those particular schools but State schools get inspected every few years so you should read the Ofsted reports on the...
Yes, congrats to Boris and may he and his Brexit Cabinet now get on with delivering the result of the Referendum after 3 excruciating and wasted years.
The one in Topshop Oxford Circus is great - several friends recommended to us. It's scrupulously hygenic, nice rooms and good choice of products. I too was warned off Claires and I'm too squeamish to do the Maria Tash method, but bought several of her gorge-eoso earrings once I could take out the or...
It's potentially fraud, if not, completely immoral because taking the place of a kid who could actually do with that place (even if sadly they decide not to use the opportunity as in Ratski's examples) and a huge amount of effort goes into funding those bursaries. If you turn a blind eye to fraud as...
I'd tell the school, on the quiet, and let them decide what to do. I think that's all you can do really. Knowing how much effort goes into funding those subsidised places it's just not on that they go to kids whose parents bend the rules. There is also a non-British, non-EU family at our school who ...
Hi, yes we have. My advice is to gather all your documentation on what they agreed to do and what they have not done; a professional second opinion on what they've not done,and, if you don't feel you can argue your case well get someone else to do it for you. We sued a builder in the SCC for not fin...
Sounds good but prob not tomorrow as it's Father's Day and we are out. Just to say, I enjoy having a friendly chat to anyone who isn't going to me scream at me that I'm a bigot, racist, stupid etc as per Guy's posts. Massive long rants in capitals, encouraging boycotts and insulting people who disag...
Unbelievable, he's still at it! Haven't heard a peep out this odious whining boring little man for ages (banned?) and had hoped he'd gone off in private to have his mental breakdown after not getting his way but failing to get over it, splitting up his family and ruining his business and now having ...
Hi, my oldest child is starting boarding school in September and the house master says boarders are allowed 2 hours per evening to go on their devices. They can actually do anything in that free time, but knowing my son, he will be on his devices for the entire 2 hours if he can!! I'd love to know w...
There's good advice above about asking the school asap if you are eligible for a bursary in these circumstances. If that doesn't work out, I don't think I'd get into too much detail with your son about your husband being deceitful. I'd be rope-able in your situation but that's for you and him to dis...
All the roads between Ritherdon and Tooting Bec Road are pretty good. Some of the roads have more of the houses split up into rundown bedsits/social housing so you should check this if you'd rather live next to a long-term resident/family/someone who owns the whole house rather than lots of individu...