Search found 245 matches

Re: BUILDER beware

that looks dreadful. I hope you get it sorted! We have tendered to Avalon, Omniform, Magreiter and Rhino Construction - was it any of those?
Replies: 10
Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:33 pm

Bedales, Frensham-Heights, Bedes

Hi, does anyone have kids at any of these weekly boarding schools? We are considering them as an alternative to the (not very) local boys schools such as Whitgift, Trinity and such. I'd love to know from parents with experience of these schools, good or bad. They all sound fantastic on paper for the...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 3
Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:03 pm

Re: Successful prosecution of local man for repeated dog fouling between the commons - hurrah! but is the fine enough?

Guy Dorrell

It is the magistrates you need to go after, not me - why are they are giving out such tiny sentences compared to the offence - dog poo and flytipping. I was agreeing with you (idiot).
Replies: 7
Thu Sep 20, 2018 7:56 pm

Re: Advice on pupil behaviour needed

LastMumStanding   what law is it that says "deliberately taking a photograph of a specific person without their permission is against the law". ? :shock: Surely the law isn't that I have to ask permission of a criminal in the act to take his/her photo. Just imagine: " Excuse me, I've...
Replies: 22
Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:23 pm

Re: Successful prosecution of local man for repeated dog fouling between the commons - hurrah! but is the fine enough?

If you could get to the nub of the issue without the loooooong post and waffle, that would be great. Only skimmed through but I agree that the fine is ridiculous. Similar to this fine that was reported in the Wandsworth Guardian recently: A guy called Tauqir Butt was caught flytipping and only got a...
Replies: 7
Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:25 pm

Re: Advice on pupil behaviour needed

I'm with you windmill - I'm also a person who tells off kids for doing stupid things like leaving their chicken and chips and empty cans rubbish in my garden. I would also be mortified if my kids behaved like that, but they don't and won't because I'm bringing them up to be decent people. I'm just s...
Replies: 22
Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:32 pm

Re: Advice on pupil behaviour needed

I think it must be ok because otherwise we'd all be in jail, I mean how many times have we taken photographs on our phones with strangers in them, unintentionally or otherwise. Also, cctv is everywhere taking photos of our every movement and there is no law about that. Especially if you are recordin...
Replies: 22
Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:55 pm

Suggestions for husband's 46 year old birthday present

Hello, after half a life together and a house full of possessions, my imagination for what to get my husband for his 46th is depleted and he has pretty much everything he needs and wants, including about a million books. Can anyone suggest anything imaginative and/or fun, maybe a spa geared towards ...
Replies: 3
Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:06 pm

Re: So we're loosing Wandsworth's Homebase AND B&Q

I think you directed that insult at me among others Star, for pointing out that poverty and other excuses you made for the violent criminals is misguided in that particular case and that some young black men have a big misogyny issue, as has been reported on in the wide press... Anywaaaay - the bett...
Replies: 9
Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:36 pm

Re: Mother attacked for Rolex as her children run screaming for help

I've sat in the Abbeville pub (next to where this took place in case you don't know the area) and heard young black men referring to women as "bitches" in a categorical way. Fact. The misogyny of young black men is a well known problem that even the Guardian must have reported. Stop making...
Replies: 36
Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:27 pm

Re: Mother attacked for Rolex as her children run screaming for help

Too many people here covering up and making excuses for the scums who attacked that woman: "poverty", not enough youth clubs, women wearing expensive jewellery... The suspects in the cctv dont look so poor they had no choice and they are too old for youth clubs. Genuinely poor people don't...
Replies: 36
Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:25 pm

Re: What do people think about the Electoral Commission report today about collusion (cheating) of the Leave campaign?

I can help with that. GuyD73 is Guy Dorrell who lives in a social housing flat in Earlsfield near wandsworth common and he has been subjecting nvn to his crap for 2 years. He ran (or runs if it is still going) a pricey fish box scheme. But must be the only person in the UK fishing trade that thinks ...
Replies: 37
Tue Jul 31, 2018 10:50 pm

Re: Wandsworth: where / how to leave rubbish out?

Maybe ask a neighbour for a few to tide you over because I doubt they'll take them as recycling if they aren't in the right bags. They deliver you recycling bags twice a year and then if you need more you go on their website and they'll deliver another lot on the day of your next delivery.
Replies: 9
Sun Jul 29, 2018 10:37 pm

Re: Wandsworth: where / how to leave rubbish out?

Probably not, but why would you want to buy recycling bags when you get them for no extra charge from the Council?
Replies: 9
Sun Jul 29, 2018 7:22 pm

Re: Wandsworth: where / how to leave rubbish out?

Recycling - put it out just in the clear bags the Council gives you, not in a bin. We've never had foxes/rats get into them because they are just full of clean papers, bottles and tins. Don't put any recyclables in the bags that are caked with food or they won't collect it and you might be fined. Ge...
Replies: 9
Sun Jul 29, 2018 6:26 pm