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Re: Northcote Library & Chatham Hall Development Update

Councillors approve plans for a bigger and better Northcote Library ... te_library

looks like its a done deal. :o
Replies: 1
Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:17 pm

Re: Au pair killed

Neighbours report loud arguments between the two people charged with murder. Sounds like domestic/male supremacist violence which makes the killing of the female nanny trying to leave more like domestic violence. Leaving domestic/supremacist abusers is always the most dangerous time. So sad she los...
Replies: 15
Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:17 am

southfields places to eat

We are becoming more involved with the Southfield's area. Can any NVN users recommend a pub or restaurant within sight of the underground station please? Or is there somewhere to look apart from TripAdvisor? Thank you all in advance!
Replies: 3
Sun Sep 17, 2017 8:42 am

Is the STREAM running this year?

Does anyone know if STREAM is happening this year?
Websites do indicate it is on but when you get there and click, they don't go to a booking page.
We went a couple of years ago and it was brilliant.
Replies: 0
Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:57 pm

Re: cordless hand held vacuum recommendations please

We have a dyson V6 and we love it with one issue, the filter. Do NOT wash it. Hoover it with you big hoover and/or take it outside and give it a bashing. If you wash it, it will smell awful as not all the water will dry quickly and where it doesn't, whatever is mixed with it will rot and stink. I sp...
Replies: 4
Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:54 pm

Re: Nappy Valley: any school with idiotic rules worth flagging?

Firstly I do not regard strict uniform policy to be a problem as long as the uniform can be obtained from more than one retailer. Having said that, a strict uniform policy lays an equal ground for all pupils and families. They know where they stand and the rules apply to all. And I don't want to see...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 12
Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:19 am

Re: Playgrounds near Putney?

well it does seem that Putney is deficient in playgrounds. I suggest an approach is made to WBC with a few specific locations, a petition, some stats referring to the advantages, the fact that other parts of WB have many playgrounds and try to get buy in from your Councillors. It does seem a strange...
Replies: 4
Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:43 pm

Re: Best of luck to Prince George and other pupils starting school this week!

Although I have no experience of this school. Others schools I have experience of, the head would meet every new pupil on their first or second day. Perhaps not hold their hand into the class but would do if necessary.
but best of luck??? Luck will not be involved.
Replies: 28
Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:12 am

Re: FREE Kids' entertainment in Wandsworth and Chelsea pubs

that sounds a superb idea. what age range?
and before you point me to the facebook link.
I do not do face book
Forum: Activities
Replies: 6
Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:09 am

Re: Trinity Fields secured. (from the guardian)

you mean state schools. That does not fit the last paragraph.
Kick the independent schools OUT.
Replies: 5
Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:14 am

Trinity Fields secured. (from the guardian)

Trinity Fields, a three hectare sports field based near Upper Tooting, has been secured for sport for a further 50 years. Trinity Fields Trust (TFT), who have managed and leased the fields since 1996, have entered into a new lease with the owners, Sir Walter St John’s Educational Charity. The two o...
Replies: 5
Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:01 pm

Re: Cost to replace cylinder for a Megaflow

the price sounds slightly high, perhaps 20%. you should be able to do better, shop around. a number of suppliers run a kind of regional cartel, so you may not be able to bring in an authorised specialist from outside the "area". There will be gas safe independents. Let your fingers do the ...
Replies: 2
Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:57 pm

Re: £100k fine for massive Wandsworth mouse infestation!

where there's blame there's a fine, however an imminent fox or rat cull are not on the agenda as WBC would have to fine itself
Replies: 6
Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:22 pm

Re: Petition to stop trees being cut in Tooting Common

I'm not one to defend WBC, but when a tree falls, it does not fall in the romantic or comedic way we were educated to think as children. It will fall in a second not giving those underneath it a chance to get out of the way which is why people die due to tree falls every year. So congrats to WBC for...
Replies: 6
Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:19 pm

Re: Eddie Catz party

I (and kids...) have attended a few at Colliers Wood near Merton Abbey. Up to the age of 6, its okay. After that I would say have your cake and tea elsewhere and by all means bring the children in to run around a lot. Its fine As a local alternative, the little theatre in Merton Abbey Mills is great...
Forum: Activities
Replies: 2
Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:33 pm