Anyone bought/sold house after private approach?

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Anyone bought/sold house after private approach?

Postby CGlass » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:14 pm

ie a note through the door...?

We have lost out in so many sealed bids and so are beginning to consider doing this (SW19, the market has gone INSANE)

Wouldn't want to freak people out or annoy them!!

It wouldn't be a stalker-y 'We have seen YOUR house and want to buy it" but just a general note to all houses in 3 or 4 particular streets saying we are trying to buy.

Has anyone successfully done this and/or is it something we should be trying? My husband and I aren't the pushy sort but are wondering if we are being silly not just trying this out.

Or maybe I should just do a general plea on Nappy Valley!!! :)
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Re: Anyone bought/sold house after private approach?

Postby sezwedz » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:41 pm

We've often thought of this but never done it. I would prefer to buy privately without fees etc, but is this something people would consider, is it hard to do with agents help etc??
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Re: Anyone bought/sold house after private approach?

Postby CGlass » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:45 pm

thanks for post!!
I don't really know how people do it... apparently it is not uncommon though.
I'd be a bit nervous about handling it all but honestly we are getting so desperate and everything going to sealed bids is horrible so we are just wondering if it's worth a shot.
I guess the worst that could happen is just that nobody responds...
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Re: Anyone bought/sold house after private approach?

Postby Mum2Monkey » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:46 pm

We did this about a year ago, also after looking for more than a year and always being pipped at the post- leafleting 5 streets. We had 3 replies, 2 of which were serious. One of these wanted the highest valuation they'd received from an estate agent and we couldn't agree on price (in the end the achieved near enough what we had offered...). We then proceeded with the other one - but the house they were buying fell through and so in the end we ended up going through an estate agent.

I found the experience ok and we became quite friendly with the family we were trying to buy from. Just be realistic about what you are willing to pay - I don't think you will get a bargain. But you might speed up the buying process and it is so nice to be able to talk to the family directly and not go through estate agents.

Good luck.
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Re: Anyone bought/sold house after private approach?

Postby CGlass » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:56 pm

Thanks Mum2Monkey - that's really helpful!
Yes I agree that being realistic is important... I would worry about things falling through, especially as we are currently renting and so nee to be sure that we wont have to extend our tenancy at the last miunute...
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Re: Anyone bought/sold house after private approach?

Postby Mum2Monkey » Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:11 pm

If anything, I think it is less likely to fall through as you working directly with each other and don't have chinese whispers estate agents. With ours, they were honest that they weren't sure the house they were buying was going to come off and so advised us to hold off solicitors - although I did get builders quotes for work and we agreed a price being the average of 3 estate agent valuations minus half the selling fees. Had it been through an estate agent, I'd have instructed a solicitor only to have wasted my money when it fell through. In the end, they were ready to sell only two weeks after I'd had an offer accepted on the house we are now in .....

I definitely found dealing directly to be far less hassle and easier than talking to estate agents. Once we got the price "elephant" out the way (which we did early on) then it was civil, friendly and I always knew what was going on. Guess it depends on the sellers though......

Good luck. Buying a house in SW London is ridiculously hard - you'd think would people would be biting your hand off for what you're paying. Our family live "up north" and can't believe what we pay - particularly as my dad says " you don't even somewhere to park your car".
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Re: Anyone bought/sold house after private approach?

Postby csml » Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:12 pm

I think it's worth a shot but many others will have had the same idea as you so don't get your hopes up. Where we live we get these personal approaches at least once a month. But I do know someone who this worked for, although the people they bought off didnt discount the house to take account of the fact they werent paying agents fees, so I wouldnt do it for price reasons, the main advantage is to avoid getting into sealed bids situations.
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