Neglectful nanny - please read

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Neglectful nanny - please read

Postby boojackson » Thu May 29, 2014 2:20 pm

I wasn't sure whether to post this or not but I felt I ought to do something.

Yesterday afternoon at about 2:50 I was driving down Grandison Road towards the Common, driving particularly slowly as I approached the bend partly due to building works going on there and partly because many cars come zooming around that corner at mad speeds. As I past the bend I noticed a woman pushing a maclaren-type buggy with a child in it, on the pavement to my left walking away from the common. Suddenly from nowhere (between parked cars on the right hand side of the road) a little boy around 2 - 2 1/2 years old came whizzing out across the road at massive speed, and I stopped my car just in time. The little boy looked a bit puzzled, but no adult in sight. I'd assumed that he might have just scooted out from one of the houses while a grown-up had their back turned, but there was no one around. The little boy was still not quite across the road so I honked my horn to get someone's attention and was about to get out of the car to investigate when the woman with the buggy starts walking back towards him. She must have been a good 40 yards away from the little boy in her care and must have for whatever reason crossed the road without him and had carried on walking. She was seemingly his nanny, wasn't remotely alarmed or panicked, just strolled over, didn't tell the child off or apologise for being distracted. I asked her several times for her boss's phone number but she ignored me and charged off. I wasn't quite sure what to do as I've never seen anything like that before, and I would have followed her home to report this to the child's parents but I was going to be late to pick-up my son. I should have taken a picture of her had I been thinking more clearly.
How he didn't get run-over I don't know, and how any vehicle didn't turn into Grandison Road from the Common and hit him is a miracle. To have a nanny on the wrong side of the road from her charge and seemingly not even notice that he wasn't with her while she kept walking on is inexplicable. But I just wanted to put out a bit of warning as had it been my child I would want to know.
Like I said it was a little boy aged 2 - 2 1/2 with blonde curly hair wearing a green coat/anorak, and I think his scooter was blue. The nanny must have been in her 20s eastern European, with brown hair wearing a beige t-shirt with various things printed on it. They were heading away from the Common.
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Re: Neglectful nanny - please read

Postby zaza107 » Thu May 29, 2014 2:27 pm

I'm trying to think of a logical reason why this situation might be ok. I can't. I'm glad you posted it, and hope the parents are now aware and do something to make sure it never happens again.
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Re: Neglectful nanny - please read

Postby NYE31 » Thu May 29, 2014 4:10 pm

Shocking, thank goodness it was you driving & not somebody else. Doesn't bear thinking about what could have happened.

I hope that his parents or friends read the OP.
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Re: Neglectful nanny - please read

Postby kiwimummy » Fri May 30, 2014 3:20 pm

I appreciated the heads up - although it was not my nanny from the description, my nanny had been on Grandison Road that day so I read the post with some attention. Thanks to the OP for drawing attention to this situation.
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