Postby ally30_1998 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:02 pm
Really sorry for the poster that was injured. I agree it is a menace.
However, as others have said, most were following the instructions given on WBC website, which was that trees and rubbish/recycling, would be collected the day after your normal collection day, any time between the 4th and 17th.
They also warned about fly tipping, and said not to leave out on street before 6pm the previous evening.
I took my tree down on the 2nd and put in in the front garden, then we dragged it out on the pavement on the morning of the 5th, as I had seen a van collecting trees a few roads down, so assumed they would be along to our road soon.
I don't know why this didn't happen. Maybe they are struggling with this flu virus at WBC as well.
I've just dragged our tree back in to the from garden as I guess it isn't going to be collected until Friday now.
Have to say this is the first time this has happened to me living here since 2010 although I'm sure we've just been lucky as I always see trees on the pavements around here for what seems like ages each January.
If Wandsworth didn't provide a collection service, we would revert back to a plastic tree. Bringing a tree in to your house is a bizarre custom when you think about it.