For once Denwand it seems we agree on something! You’re right, these little spats aren’t terribly edifying but if PS will persist in making unprovoked attacks on people, she can quite rightly expect to face some criticism. They do however have the side benefit of ensuring that many more people see the post, which I’m not too unhappy about.
It’s also important to call out nonsense masquerading as fact. I’m sure that brexiteers would be delighted for remain voters to all believe it’s a done deal and stop campaigning but it’s simply not true and many of us will persist in doing anything we can to avert it.
And PS, I only mention how happy I am as a result of your deeply annoying & repeated demands (that you have no right to make) that I ‘get a life, ‘move on’ or focus on my business, I’ll do whatever I like thanks! Also I’m afraid in my view you come across on NVN as a rather miserable and bitter individual.
It’ll be no surprise that I find your views abhorrent, so I have zero wish to DM you (it makes me feel a bit eeew that I even have to share a postcode with you), but how about you post something on this thread to show who you are? I am after all, completely transparent on here, about my business, family, career everything…
Go on, post your linked in profile or a blog or whatever, so we can see who you are and what your agenda really is. I expect you’ll be far too embarrassed to do that and you’d much prefer to cower behind your nom de plume, but you might surprise me I suppose.
Whatever your reasons for voting leave, DON’T even try and silence me or anyone else on this site who thinks Brexit’s an insane, self-harming disaster. We are both entitled to our views and entitled to share them on this forum.
So that’s that wrapped up, you can have your truce Denwand until the struggle resumes on Boxing Day
Wishing all the pleasant, tolerant folk here on Nappy Valley Net a super Christmas with your families and best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous new year.
Thank you and Merry Christmas to Annabel and her team too, all the best for 2018.