I know Tootsweep, mental isn't it? All good though, Bring it on! If it does happen, it gives many of us an opportunity to try and persuade family who may have voted the other way (my in-laws did), to think again about the choices they are making on behalf of their grand-children. I didn't really bother first time round because it seemed inconceivable it would even be close but this time I won't be taking any chances.
Any passionate remainers and campaigners reading this, it's important to direct our energy effectively. A proportion of the leave vote won't change their minds whatever reality they're presented with, focus on the ones who genuinely thought the NHS would get £350m/week and Turkey was imminently joining the EU and now feel a bit mugged. The central message is there's no shame in having been lied to.
FWIW I think, non-voters last time will come out strongly to remain, a few leavers will switch and the demographic shift will be adequate to secure a much greater margin for remain.
Is anyone reading this going with their kids? It would be nice to get a bunch of us, maybe get together beforehand a make a banner to represent our Battersea/Wandsworth hood...
Any arty/crafty types among you up for that. Happy Weekend everyone!