Emma Dent Coad is far from racist. She is a very good woman and respected across Kensington from North to South. I remember when they dug this blog post up and black people who actually know Shaun Bailey and other POC agreed with her and stood by her! Shaun Bailey is just not liked in North Kensington where he grew up and has made some offensive and outrageous statements and made manoeuvres to further his career,lots of people have said this about him. He is very ambitious and aggressive and a slippery character. There is a special place among us POC for POC politicians like him, Priti Patel and Sajid Javid. Emma did apologise for the offence caused though

The question is where is investigation for Boris and his racist remarks? Why have the Tory party on the whole gotten away with Islamaphobia and the Windrush ordeal which is still very raw?
The UN report a few years ago said that UK poverty is spiralling out of control and that there is no safety net for people who need it starting from 2010. I am no Marxist and I accept life is unfair and unequal but we need to help people move upwards in life not down. This is damning for the Tories and shameful for the UK
I voted Green for most of my life because Tony Blair is a War criminal. But I'm voting Labour this time. I genuinely like our MP Dr Rosena and she deserves to stay.
We are free to choose now
Happy voting all