Police injured during illegal Brixton street party clashes

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Police injured during illegal Brixton street party clashes

Postby Community Editor » Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:20 am

Twenty-two police officers have been injured and their vehicles damaged during clashes at an illegal street party in south-west London.

Police were called following complaints from residents about noise and violence near Angell Town in Brixton on Wednesday night.

Two officers were taken to hospital after breaking up the "unlicensed music event", which led to four arrests.

A dispersal order had been put in place earlier in the day and police officers tried to encourage the crowd to leave.
The event continued so more officers attended and the group became hostile, the Met Police said.

Footage on social media showed a number of police vehicles being smashed and officers being chased.

Four people were arrested for assault and public order offences. They remain in police custody.

Cdr Colin Wingrove said: "These gatherings are unlawful, as well as posing a risk to public health and against coronavirus restrictions.

"The violence shown towards officers is totally unacceptable and we will not tolerate it in any form."

Police later implemented a section 60 order, which allows officers to search anyone in the area without "reasonable grounds".

Ms Patel tweeted: "Just last weekend, the whole country came together to praise our heroic police officers for putting their own lives on the line to keep us safe.

"I'll be picking up with the Met Commissioner immediately."

The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said: "Violence against the police will not be tolerated.

"Large gatherings during Covid-19 are deeply irresponsible and risk others' lives."

Mr Khan said he was in touch with police about the incident.

Photo credit: Snapchat
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Re: Police injured during illegal Brixton street party clashes

Postby Motherslittlehelper » Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:06 pm

Disgusting - if you want to be part of British society, respect the rules and others and especially the Police. The black lives matter campaign does not give people the right to do what they want without being arrested.

I am disappointed that the Police Cells of Brixton were not overflowing this morning - the Met police are run by an awful 'PC' Commissioner and until they toughen up, they are a laughing stock. The only thing they seem good at is moving people off Wandsworth Common.

Last edited by Motherslittlehelper on Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Police injured during illegal Brixton street party clashes

Postby mum_1980 » Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:48 pm

@daddydaycarerocks, I'm not sure where they are supposed to leave to? The majority of Brixton residents are British and it's not up to you to decide if they are welcome or not.

I agree this is awful and those who broke the law should face the law, but I wonder if they were white kids, if you would have phrased your response like this...
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Re: Police injured during illegal Brixton street party clashes

Postby mum_1980 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:16 pm

@daddydayrocks, I see you have edited your original post to include the Black Lives Matters movement. Can I just clarify that this incident had nothing to do with the movement. There was a small music protest earlier on in the evening which 20-30 people attended in Windrush Square and was finished by 7pm. Unfortunately, some right wingers have taken to twitter to say the trouble broke out from that to discredit the whole movement. http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2020/06/brix ... june-2020/.

The violence was from an unrelated block party / rave where a bunch of young people in the neighbourhood got together to party (completely ignoring social distancing rules) and they got completely out of hand. It should really have been shut down sooner and those trouble makers should face the law (I am not conflicting with you on that point).

However, I am not sure why you started off by saying in your now edited post that they should respect British rules or go elsewhere, when we can assume they are British people living in Brixton and then you edited your copy to say the Black Lives Movement doesn't give people the right to do what they want without being arrested - of course it doesn't.

You have taken the Black Lives Matter completely out of context and applied it to a party that got out of hand. I can only assume this is because of something you saw on social media as the main stream media has not linked this to Black Lives Matter at all.

I don't mean to attack, but it's comments like these that show why we have such a big problem in society because it sounds like you don't even know that you said something discriminatory and that is what privilege is.
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Re: Police injured during illegal Brixton street party clashes

Postby parsleysong » Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:08 pm

Mum1980 it sounds like you are, while not excusing the behaviour, saying the behaviour is understandable because of discrimination vs privilege. No it is not understandable - nothing excuses the vile out of control violence of this mob in Brixton on Wednesday night.

Some people feeling very entitled right now to smash up other people's property, destroy police cars and violence towards the police. An Angell Town community leader drew the link between the riot and black lives matter on the BBC news last night so this link wasn't made in some wacko corner of social media.

By the way, not being discriminated against does not make a person privileged. This idea of white privilege is an American import that people here have taken on without thinking about it.

Don't try and explain the behaviour Mum1980 - it makes you part of the problem.  
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Re: Police injured during illegal Brixton street party clashes

Postby mum_1980 » Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:28 am

Hi @parsleysong. I didn't say anywhere that I excused, condoned, accepted, understood, or justified the behaviour in any way shape or form - in fact, I said quite the opposite.

White privilege is not an American import. It would be incredibly naive for anyone in the UK to believe that we don't have discrimination and unconscious bias because it's rife. And by the way, I did not talk about white privilege in my earlier post because I don't know what colour/race @daddydayrocks is so I will not assume.

It is privilege I mentioned. Not to fear discrimination is a privilege, to be able to live authentically is a privilege and it's a privilege everyone deserves. In my opinion, anyone who doesn't fear discrimination should use their voice to help those who do.

I don't think it's fair to link the trouble to the Black Lives Matter movement. It was a rave / unlicensed block party and the kids went mad and behaved diabolically and they should face the law.

The Black Lives Movement is not about violence and I know that many of those organisations behind the BLM protests urge that it is a peaceful movement and would themselves be saddened and angered by people using violence in the name of BLM.

I am not part of the problem. I never once said that BLM justifies the violence in Brixton on Wednesday. I didn't mention BLM at all in my first response and neither did @daddydayrocks in his original post but he changed it when I questioned his use of language. He simply cannot say that people who don't respect British rules should leave making the assumption that they are not British when they are kids in Brixton. I think he probably realised that too as he later deleted that comment.

As a side note and because you have taken the time to respond, I'd like to recommend a book called "Why I no longer talk to white people about race" by Renni Edo Lodge. Please don't be offended by the title, this book is for people of all colours to read, but it is very much based in the UK with statistics from the UK and explains what white privilege is here. For anyone who doesn't think we have a problem, please read this book. It is a real opener and is written exceptionally well.
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Re: Police injured during illegal Brixton street party clashes

Postby ronangel » Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:50 pm

Natural Selection at its Finest. ... Natural selection would be like having all those who do not learn and evolve with the others die off to simple mistakes leaving only those who evolve to prevail above those who don't evolve.Let them bring all family and friends as long as do not damage any property leave them to it!  
According to the UK Government  "cold research center" in the 60's and 70's  the minimum safe distance for an airborne virus is 30ft in open air! so this 2meter now 1 meter  distance stuff is rubbish!     
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