This time we are running a three-week "caring for our environment" themed camp.
Week 1: Children will be learning ideas on how to turn cardboard boxes and plastic bottles into beautiful useful things for re-use.
Week 2: Children will learn how to run a little pop-up store.
Week 3: We will learn how to fundraise for a charity of the children's choice.
What makes this camp special and unique? Children will be learning Mandarin throughout the camp time, through these activities. They will develop great interests in learning the language and learn fast through actually using the language in doing all the fun activities at the camp.
The camp day is always carefully planned with physical exercise, singing, dancing, drama, and indoor and outdoor activities.
Parents will receive a little video update on what children did in the day. Many children want to come back to join the camp regularly when they can.
WenLin Chinese School regularly runs themed Mandarin immersion activity camps during school holidays. Please feel free to email the school or follow our social media to receive our camp schedules.