It’s interesting that the poster is complaining that instead of going to local supermarkets in Balham her husband preferred to drive to Chelsea……..her family is part of the problem. When local shops close in Balham because people like you drive elsewhere you’ll probably blame a new zebra crossing in Chestnut Grove for slowing you down.
Taken from another website.
Every time a Low Traffic Neighbourhood is delivered, the following things happen:

Businesses that have been failing for years - check their accounts on Companies House - claim the LTN has ruined them in a matter of weeks.

Someone allegedly misses a funeral/birthday/appointment because they can’t rat run down your road.

Fake emergency service workers start calling Nick Ferrari to falsely claim the LTN is costing lives.

A video appears of a local fire crew ‘stuck’ behind an LTN filter they approved in advance.

Someone complains their child - who they squirrelled into the school in the expensive catchment before buying a cheaper house out of catchment - has been made late for school by the LTN.

Some ossified local union branch Secretary or Branch Labour Party full of bricks and mortar millionaire pensioners passes a motion claiming ‘LTNs are anti-working class’, even though working class neighbourhoods have the fewest cars but the highest levels of pollution.

The local rag starts printing unevidenced sob stories from people who claim the LTN is stopping them from delivering chest freezers once a week to their housebound nan.

There’s a petition to the local Council falsely claiming LTNs are ‘creating crime hotspots’, even though the evidence is clear that they substantially reduce crime.

The craven local MP starts distancing themselves from the LTN only to take credit for it in a few years when they realise that their constituents do not want to live on rat runs.
It’s literally the same, every time.