How wonderful it is that the days are getting longer. And I have a problem which has prevented me sleeping at night.

My husband, me, my friend and her husband all went to a really great couples dinner earlier this year. West End of London. Really Great. The problem is that my friend's husband kept putting his hand on my leg ... and trying to do more 'down there'.

It was not just once, twice, three times but he was at it the whole night. I obviously didn't want to make a big song and dance about it. So I just let him do his thing. I didn't tell anyone else until last night.

I spoke to one of our good mutual friends, and she acknowledged that he did it to her too, not so long ago. Same restaurant. The old pest has been doing it to many people, it would seem. Rumours are afire

My friend (let us call her the wife of the molester) is really lovely. Really lovely children. Really lovely house overlooking a big public space. Upstanding member of the community. I don't know if she knows or not. Or is living in denial.

What shall I do?

Confused in Balham