Top 5 healthy back tips for busy mums

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Top 5 healthy back tips for busy mums

Postby clairetheosteo » Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:55 pm

Anyone who’s lugged a baby around in a ‘portable’ car seat for more than a few minutes knows that many of the modern trappings of babyhood are not great for a parent’s body! Car seats, cots and general bag/child carrying often force us to use our bodies in uncomfortable positions, making us vulnerable to injury.
So, what can you do to help yourself? Here is my top 5 list of actions to take to help you stay strong and injury free.
• Keep moving – Our bodies love to move. Movement keeps us flexible, strong and helps the circulation throughout the whole body. Walking is great even if you have minor aches and pains. It promotes healing and speeds the rate of recovery.
• Keep balanced - When carrying toddlers and bigger babies try to hold them out in front of you with their legs wrapped around your middle, not over one hip, which forces you into a lopsided position.
• Keep flexible - Maintain your back mobility by carrying out a regular simple exercise such as knee hugs – lie on the floor, bring your knees up to your chest and hug in for 15-20 seconds. This opens up the vertebrae and stretches the back muscles.
• Keep strong - Before you go to do a big lift e.g. out of the cot, think ‘brace’. It enables your muscles to consciously tighten up and take the strain and reduces the chance of a jarring move.
• Keep inflammation down - If you do hurt your back put an ice pack on the affected area as soon as you can. Wrap the ice pack in a tea towel and apply for 10 minutes every hour for 3-5 hours.

Maybe you already have niggling aches and pains that are stubbornly refusing to shift? Perhaps you need some guidance on how to build your strength and reduce your chances of re-injury? Come and see me. I am Claire Lisboa your friendly, local osteopath
I work from a small clinic in my garden and offer flexible appointment times during the day or evenings and weekends at reasonable prices. I treat all kinds of aches and pains – not just backs - and I aim to get you back to health as quickly as possible. Do call with any questions you may have -020 8090 2445 or see my website for more details.
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