Postby Gifts for Urchins » Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:01 am
From memory, Thomas's will give an indication of your child's position on the waiting list. As other people have mentioned, gender and age is a consideration so they are unable to say whether your child is at the top of the list! After my son was wait-listed, I called the Registrar (she is friendly and helpful) and was told that they were hopeful they would be able to offer him a place if we were able to wait.
Thomas's was top of our list, so I let them know that we would definitely accept a place should one become available. As a previous post mentioned, they were offered a place from the waiting list but didn't accept it. I think its good to let them know if it is your first choice.
I didn't badger them weekly (or even monthly) but I did let them know when we were overseas...just in case a place become available. If you don't respond quickly to an offer, it is then offered to the next child on the list. As it was, an offer came through when we were on holiday. That wasn't until Easter, so don't give up hope!
My son is now in year 5 and really happy there.