My son is about to turn 13 and travels 45 minutes to school (overground & tube.) He's done so for a year now but has been shepherded by his father. He is now starting to travel alone, which I think is great- I'm glad for this step towards independence HOWEVER... he is insisting on wearing these headphones his father purchased him from the moment he steps out the door to the minute he gets into school. He's wearing them on the street as he walks, on the train and the tube. I think this is incredibly unsafe and foolish. I've spoken up but my son insists he can hear everything. His dad thinks I'm overreacting.
My gut instincts are telling me to put my foot down despite his displeasure as his safety is my responsibility and he's obviously too young to be making good decisions which may compromise his happiness.
So- should I die on this mountain and take the headphones away or just continue to say the rosary the moment he walks out the door?!