Postby Eliz » Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:09 pm
Hello, my daughter was a pupil at SPGS for 7 years between 2001 and 2008 having been previously at Wimbledon High. We lived in the area between Magdalen Road and Burntwood Lane at the time. The catchment area is very wide and that can be an issue socially for your daughter! I realise you will be looking for current parents but thought I would give you a few of my experiences. Firstly, my daughter loved the school. There are some very strong characters there and she found that difficult from time to time. You mention prep... there is a fair amount, but no more than you might expect elsewhere. It is quite competitive. but the selection process allows for that I think. I also believe, looking back, that the freedom allowed at the school, in so many ways, both to get involved in whatever you wish to do and to express yourself is something difficult, but not impossible of course, to find in other schools. I have kept in touch with fellow parents and also with school news since my daughter left. Good luck, both to you and your daughter. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.