I live north of the common down a double parked street where it is a nightmare for cars to pass (we have heard so many altercations between drivers who refuse to reverse because they think they have right of way, people abusing Ocado drivers etc etc). frankly it should be made one way because it’s a mess when there are 3 cars backed up each way. I cycle and drive.
I don’t think the 1.5m rule applies because cars are unlikely to be going at 30mph (or if they are, they are breaking the 20mph speed limit), but as a cyclist, I have never had a car either give way to me if I was there first or slow down so I can pull in / pass safely. The onus is always on me to find a gap between parked cars as the motorist accelerates past me. So I know a lot of you think that cyclists are a menace who don’t know or care how to use the roads safely, but there are also a lot of drivers out there who have very little care for cyclists and/or view cyclists’ safety as the cyclist’s problem. Which I guess is why the Highway Code has been amended in light of “the huge rise” in cyclists’ deaths during and post lockdown. Yes, I’m aware that cyclists can also make pedestrians feel unsafe (and even if not fatal, it is really painful to get hit by a bike), but the government seems to be more concerned by the actual increase in deaths of cyclists, which is why it has made changes to the highway code.
I don’t have a camera, so don’t worry, I won’t be reporting anybody