Morning !
I had a similar situation so I really sympathise.
I have also struggled with addiction and am now sober.. so can see all sides.
I feel very sorry for this mother , she is obviously incredibly unhappy and needs some support . The strongest ( and most difficult ) would be to have a kind , warm chat with her and explain your concerns for her. Explain that you love the girls hanging out but her behaviour worries you, and you are concerned.
She will probably get angry , but if you are not talking - it makes no difference. It might sow the seed that she needs to get support from AA or similar. Her children/family must also be worried but have no idea how to handle it.
Personally, I wouldn't stop your daughter from seeing her friend - your home might be a sanctuary for her

.. as someone else suggested - only allow them to hang out at yours and with you - not the other family - until they are seeking help / stop drinking.
ALSO - My DD is 14 now , and I had a situation where another mum kept turning up drunk to outings - with black eyes / bruises - saying she tripped over the cat etc .. all very heartbreaking really . But I heard the truth via the girls - kids know everything even if they are not quite sure what is going on.
.. it was incredibly draining and I felt awful for her two daughters, but I tried to be sympathetic whilst also banning my daughter from staying at hers. They were welcome at ours anytime.
I spoke to the mum - but I felt I could as could use the route .. ' I know how it is , I am currently sober etc etc and can see you are having a tough time etc etc .. which seemed to go down ok and the mum seems much better thank fully. ( 2 years on )
Its really tricky - but honesty is really the best policy here - for all parties .
- Try and talk to the mum.
- Let the girls hang - out at yours only.
- Try and be compassionate - no one behaves like that if they are ok. She is clearly not ok and needs someone to recognise this . Alcoholics are often very vulnerable and suffering trauma / incredibly insecure / hate themselves.
I hope that helps a bit - sorry you are having this . Its very stressful , unnerving for all parties.