Anyone tried Ozempic

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Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby waltzer » Fri Nov 01, 2024 12:32 pm

Can I ask if anyone here has tried Ozempic?

And did you get it locally?

I read Sarah Vine's account of it and she seemed never happier having struggled all her life with diets, calories control etc. 

Anyway, it resonated and I keep mulling it over and am wondering about giving it a go but would like to hear from any others who have tried it. 

I understand it might be available from Superdrug but also hear that it's not something that it's easy to get.

No judgement please, just looking for answers.


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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby CyclingLondon » Sat Nov 02, 2024 12:26 pm ... 90981.html

Quite a good balanced article with some sensible advice.

Take it slow seems to be the main takeaway.
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby muddyboots » Sat Nov 02, 2024 7:13 pm

I would google “ozempic face” first.

From a more risk averse perspective, given that the weight loss is merely from reduced appetite. One could first try to eat less or more healthily.

I say this, because all drugs have side effects so make sure you willing to accept potential side effects over a lifestyle change perhaps.

I have two friends who have used it, one lost quite some weight, but the other one only small amounts .
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby wimbledon781 » Mon Nov 04, 2024 6:15 am

I’ve been taking Mounjaro (another GLP1 drug) for a few months. It is life changing, I’ve lost about 35lbs. It hasn’t been the most dignified way of losing weight (a decent amount of D&V), but similar to what you have read I really have never felt or looked better. I have found it very hard to lose weight previously , trying all the usuals. What’s really different about this is that you KNOW it will work, so there’s no stress around it if you have a week where you don’t lose. That really is game changing. There is just one injection a week, and once you take that, it’s all under control. I do think the hard work will be keeping jt off, but by the time I get to my goal weight, I’m hoping I will feel and look so dramatically different I’ll never want to go back to being that size again.

If your BMI is over 30, it’s easy to get (about £150 a month). There are loads of online suppliers. I use one called oushk. There are great Facebook groups and Mumsnet threads to read further and see more results if you do want to do more research.
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby Anon1234 » Mon Nov 04, 2024 6:58 am

Another supporter of Mounjaro. I have always struggled with my weight and found it very hard to lose weight by just eating healthily and exercising, but it is so easy on Mounjaro. I think most people in the UK take Mounjaro rather than Ozempic. I get it from Boots online doctor and this is approved by a clinician and shared with your GP. I would 100% give it a go - I think you’ll find a lot of people are on it but don’t want to admit it because people are quite judgemental, especially those who haven’t struggled with weight loss themselves…
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby henricook » Mon Nov 04, 2024 7:11 am

I've been a user of these for years. First Ozempic and now Mounjaro.

Ozempic isn't what you'd get for weight loss now, it's Wegovy. Ozempic has somehow stuck in the press but is the diabetic product. It's exactly the same stuff as Wegovy but Wegovy comes in different dosages optimised for weight loss

Mounjaro is a GLP-1 agonist, just like Wegovy, but also has a GIP agonist in there. Mounjaro has better clinical results than Wegovy i.e. people on average lose more weight with it over a year.

Like Wegovy most people plateau after that year so my advice is really really make the most of that first six months.

I've lost about 30kg over 3 years, most of that in the first year, but am now at a plateau so it's helping me keep the weight off but further weight loss is very very gradual.

I feel lucky when I hear people talking about D&V that I've only suffered from constipation on these drugs and that's easy to solve with a daily psyllium husk tablet.

At a time it was hard to get but it's all over the place now and you can get it delivered from an online pharmacy.

What's really important is that you watch out for scam suppliers. You should never have to mix a powder and a liquid to make an injection, it's always pre mixed in well branded boxes and injector pens. You can Google image search the proper packaging. And it has to come from a pharmacist not a Facebook group or hairdresser (seriously a hair dresser was busted for selling counterfeit Ozempic gah).
Last edited by henricook on Mon Nov 11, 2024 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby Anon455 » Mon Nov 04, 2024 7:21 am

I took Wegovy for 4 months earlier this year and lost 20 lbs. I stopped for an unrelated health issue, but have recently gone back on it and hope to lose 20 -30 more lbs. My weight loss was not exactly a big number, so I can understand some questioning whether it was worth it, but i found it very helpful in improving my bad eating habits, so I would say yes. I also have a preteen daughter and don’t want her to have any clue I’m taking it, so I continue to eat “normally” with the family (although much more sensibly). I had very mild nausea to start , but no real issues until month 3 when I had the most horrific vomiting episode after indulging on holiday. I learned my lesson.. semaglutide slows down your digestion and you must reduce your intake to match. I order it through Boots Online Doctor. I’m sure I could get it cheaper elsewhere, but I don’t have any concerns about legitimacy.
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby Anna2007 » Mon Nov 04, 2024 11:05 am

Hi, I have tried Ozempic and it has really helped me improve my diabetic control. You can get it through your NHS GP for free. At first I felt really nauseous and I have lost a bit of weight. The nausea has subsided. I started on 0.5mg and am now on 1mg. :D
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby addled » Mon Nov 04, 2024 9:43 pm

muddyboots wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 7:13 pm I would google “ozempic face” first.

Why?  Muddyboots wading in again...  Perhaps, if you have no direct experience, I would suggest that you really have nothing to contribute and the sensationalist crap that you've either Googled or read in the Daily Mail really doesnt help.  Since you've no first hand experience, please keep quiet and listen: you might learn something.

In mid July I was 98kgs and started on Mounjaro at 2.5mgs, increasing by 2.5mgs every 4 weeks.  Weight loss has been a constant 1 kilo/week; Im now 82kgs.  Side effects have been minimal: processed carbs to be avoided as caused indigestion, but lots of leafy greens and healthy proteins all good.  The odd glass of wine isnt any worry too. Grilled fish/white meat/green salad were winners. A steak and a few other protein heavy meals once a month havent done me any harm, however I cant tuck into a 500gm ribeye like before; I'd give up after a few mouthfulls and pick at the salad instead.
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby Terrier_London » Wed Nov 06, 2024 10:57 am

I am using Wegovy after hitting 100 kg... I'm already down 10 Kg in 5 months.

I'm not partially disciplined, so it's not been the fastest weight loss, but if you combine it with keto and exercise it's really effective.

I used the Wright Practice to get mine.

Minimal side effects, but things like acid indigestion if I have a big meal or drink lots of white wine. If I eat well, i.e. cut back on carbs and no big heavy meals, I feel pretty good.

I previously lost 10kg doing Keto, but that wasn't sustainable and I put it back on.

What I like with Wegovy (but I guess all these drugs are the same) is that it will supress your appetite and increase your metabolism - so you just lose weight without having to think about it, and so you can eat what you want - but you just won't feel like big meals.

The Dr told me it will change my relationship with food - and that's true. I don't get tempted by snacks, and I don't feel hungry before 11. 

It's magic! 
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby muddyboots » Wed Nov 06, 2024 4:13 pm

Waded in ??

How so?
Touchy response, did I hit a nerve? Direct your anger elsewhere.

I offered a reply when not many had and did give information I felt relevant.
What is your issue?
It’s a public forum, people will have different perspectives.
I said I had two friends with totally different reaction to it and also I am risk averse.
The gaunt face of celebrities has been widely mentioned on social media, sorry to say I don’t ready the daily mail which you must have since you refer to it .

There is probably not quite enough data on the long term side effects and from what I understood it’s only effective a long as you take it . Will you carry on forever once you are on it?
Seems a bit extreme
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby gmc030 » Thu Nov 07, 2024 2:56 pm

I am not sure if Muddyboots has ever struggled with weight or not. 

Let's remember that this is a medicine that has been approved for use by all the relevant health bodies, and been around since 2017. There are risks with everything (even Calpol). Being overweight increases the risk of heart decease, certain cancers etc. It is very much an individual decision which risks to accept and which not to. 

Personally, having struggled with excess weight my whole life, and just recently started Wegovy (which was easy to get via the Boots online doctor), I can just echo the positive views of the people above. It really feels life-changing. Like a missing piece that finally solved a puzzle that I had been struggling with forever.
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby Starr » Sun Nov 10, 2024 5:38 pm

I haven't tried it or know anyone who has but just wanted to say I have 2 mum friends who used weight watchers nearby and lost a lot of weight and now in the healthy range amd feel a lot better
. Both have full tike jobs and young children and were struggling with it all. Do consider that too. They found the weigh ins and keeping track of food and exercise in a group setting sp helpful and they said their appetite just shrunk with time and it became effortless...
Either way, best of luck
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Wegovy too
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby Wegovy too » Fri Jan 03, 2025 4:50 pm

So to summarise what others have asked and answered:

1.⁠ ⁠Take Wegovy not the others
2.⁠ ⁠Side effects mixed but it mainly punishes you for excess eating and drinking so keep it sensible
3.⁠ ⁠Boots can supply but wherever you go make sure it's genuine and they'll loop in your GP

An extra question from me, I've heard that it reduces muscle mass, is that true? I work out a lot and want to lose fat but not muscle.
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Re: Anyone tried Ozempic

Postby irene1000 » Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:28 pm

Don't do it - I know two people who have been hospitalised as a result. One developed 5 blood clots due to a reaction with her birth control medication and is now on blood thinners for the longer term. The other has a serious glucose problem.
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