Challenge sits at the very heart of the curriculum at The Roche School

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NVN News
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Challenge sits at the very heart of the curriculum at The Roche School

Postby NVN News » Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:42 am

We develop progressive programmes of study, building on the foundations of knowledge that then allow pupils the opportunity to generate their own thoughts, compare and contrast ideas and problem solve. Careful grouping, higher order questioning, encouragement to stretch thinking and apply knowledge to new concepts, are all ways that we, as a school, move pupils’ learning on. We encourage pupils to learn from mistakes, reflect on their understanding and also support one another in developing solutions collaboratively.


Our curriculums plan for open-ended opportunities, choice and the development of independence. Through subjects such as “Philosophy for Children”, our pupils are able to develop critical thinking skills, cooperate and analysis evidence to deepen understanding and connections. Across the school, personalised learning allows us to pitch challenge just right for all of our pupils – this may be through a personalised target within their writing, attempting a new skill in sport, trying a different approach in Science or debating an idea in Philosophy.


We believe in a Growth Mindset approach to learning, rising above limitations and persevering when faced with challenge. This shapes pupils’ attitudes to learning, and allows them to achieve their potential, and more.

We are proud of our strong academic record and pupils go on to achieve places at top London schools, including numerous scholarships.

To hear more about the aspirational learning taking place at The Roche School, join our Open Day on 17th January, Friday 28th February, or Thursday 20th March.
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