I am hoping there might be a retired nurse or part time nurse our there who would be interested in part-time work as a mother's help possibly involving nights.
My sister will hopefully be coming home from hospital soon with her second baby who has a few serious health issues including a hole in the heart (VSD) and issues with her larynx and tongue. She will probably have to be on a heart monitor, an aponea mat and fed partially through a tube in her nose.
My sister lives in Wimbledon (Dundonald Park) and also has a two and half year old daughter. For her peace of mind, she would love to find someone who was prepared to help out sometimes during the day as well as stay for the odd night as she is worried the stress of listening out for the heart monitor and aponea mat is going to send her crazy and she'll need a break every now and again.
I am trying to help her find someone as she is spending most of her time the Evelina at the moment and hasn't got the time or energy to sort this out.
Let me know if you might be interested.