What do we need to fix?

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Annabel (admin)
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What do we need to fix?

Postby Annabel (admin) » Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:15 am

This post is to let us know what we need to fix with the new redesign?

There are *always* Gremlins so we want you to tell us what they are.

You can also tell us what you love about it if you want to make us feel warm and cuddly!

Thanks guys

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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby calgary » Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:32 am

I'm not certain if this is working as intended but I'm finding that the New Topics list changes depending on which topic I click on. It's making it more difficult to see what I had looked at and which ones I had not.

Also, often the post titles are followed by "• First unread post • " which I find distracting and which makes the whole list more difficult to read. I'm also not sure as to its purpose as I see it beside a post that I know I looked at as well. It's not consistently there either. As I write this the New Topics lists shows not a single post title with • First unread post • beside it. (It seems to randomly come and go.)

Also, I find it unfortunate that we can no longer see the posting dates when we look at entries under the different headings. Removing the dates means that we cannot make a quick judgement call as to whether or not to look at the post's contents without actually doing so making the user experience more cumbersome.
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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby nvmof3 » Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:15 pm

I agree with all of the above. Also, on the home page the new posts is cluttered with buy and sell and vacancy topics meaning only 1 or 2 actual topics is visible.We have to click through to get to the new topics list of actual questions and discussions. I reckon this will reduce the number of responses to discussions as the list of new discussions is hard to find.
Also I find the twitter stuff annoying, it seems to be all over the site.I don't tweet and don't really get it but it seems that people will just tweet each other so that us non-tweeters will not be able to follow the discussions.
I know change is always difficult but I do think having a list of discussion topics on your home page is fundamentally important.
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jo jo
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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby jo jo » Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:53 pm


Agree with the above. But also where has the buttons gone to view my old messages as this is something that was really useful. I may have missed it so please shout if not completely got the new site.

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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby falconmum » Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:59 pm

Totally agree. Would be glad to have the total list of new topics/discussions back instead of making it more topical .
Whats the big white space on the home page? Never loads.

On the plus side, the new font is interesting and makes the website look cleaner .
As for FB/ Twitter big fan of both but I think it should not be mentioned in every post . Maybe the original post to follow as a thread but not every single entry on replies.

Hope this feedback is helpful, Annabel .
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Annabel (admin)
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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby Annabel (admin) » Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:46 pm

Thank you for the comments!

Really appreciate them and please don't hold anything back.

We're very aware that the "old" NappyValleyNet was well loved and really well used so we don't want to break the experience by being too clever.

Thanks and we'll keep working on it.

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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby Jen66 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:10 pm

I definitely want to see a 'last post' status on topics.

Frustrating to click on a subject and find the last posting was three months ago.
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Annabel (admin)
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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby Annabel (admin) » Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:46 pm

It is SO going back in.

Sorry guys

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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby jingo_x » Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:09 pm

it might be me, but I can't get any search results. I use NVN a lot for recommendations but now if i search for 'plumber' for example I get no search results.

also, almost definitely my own poor vision, but I find it very hard to read the pale pink font on the 'most read' column on the home page for example...probably fine for most people!
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Annabel (admin)
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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby Annabel (admin) » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:47 am

Thanks for all the comments.

We've actually got a list of 37 points that we're working through this week! :oops:

Yesterday we added back the dates in the "last post" column and also we amalgamated all the "New Topics" columns so they are the same throughout the board.

The lists of the home page don't seem to be working properly yet, we're looking at that at the moment.

Of course I will keep you posted :D

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Annabel (admin)
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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby Annabel (admin) » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:47 am

Thanks for all the comments.

We've actually got a list of 37 points that we're working through this week! :oops:

Yesterday we added back the dates in the "last post" column and also we amalgamated all the "New Topics" columns so they are the same throughout the board.

The lists of the home page don't seem to be working properly yet, we're looking at that at the moment.

Of course I will keep you posted :D

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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby Ally03 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:55 am


I would find it useful if I could delete old posts of mine if I wish. Not only if I change my mind about a comment I make on a thread but also if I have posted an ad that has been fulfilled (ie. I found a job or sold what I wanted) it would be great to be able to remove my post permanently. (only the person who initiated the thread should be able to delete the whole thread but everyone should be able to delete their own individual posts if they wish!)

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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby mlm » Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:31 pm


thanks for acting so quick on some of the suggestions. The pink font was impossible for my aging eyes!

I would love to see the New Topics box more at the top of the page, maybe instead of Twitter because that's the area (NT) I go to most often. But I also not a Twitter user so maybe that's just me...Also as the Editorial doesn't change with such frequency (?) maybe it shouldn't be occupying prime space? Just wanted to mention... thanks.
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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby nycmommy » Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:36 pm

I'm with Ally 03 on being able to delete. I'm posting my brains out trying to sell stuff or (for example buy a bed) I've bought the bed and want to delete as to not waste anyone's time.
Also, is it me, or can you not post photos?

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Re: What do we need to fix?

Postby shopper » Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:16 pm

Hi Annabel
I just posted again on the C&W at risk thread but I did it straight from the link on your summary email. I would have expected it to appear on the "new posts" summary on the home page but it hasn't. Should it?
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