Nice toys looking for new families!

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Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby supergirl » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:15 pm


This year my children are big enough to understand and to participate in selecting the toys that we will be giving away to a charity part of our Xmas tradition.

Up until now, i was giving them to Fara and the likes. But this year i would like them to be part of the process so does anyone know of a charity where we can go and bring the toys (in pristine condition) which will be welcome AND which go straight to children who need them (i dont want a charity that sell the toys and then give the money). In France i use to give stuffs to Emmaus or Les petits freres des pauvres so i am looking for something similar really.

I d like to do it sooner rather than later so please any suggestions gratefully welcome.

Many thanks and Merry (run up to) Chistmas. Sx
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby Loretta » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:21 pm

Hi !
Why not giving them to a hospital ? You get rid of your toys and you make some children happy.
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby WandsworthResident » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:19 pm

There is a thread on Streetlife at the moment started by the Battersea Mission who need presents for their Christmas children's party. See ... 54100003a/

Or might Women's Aid accept presents for children & mums who have left situations of domestic violence?

Please let us know if you find recipients, I will also let you know if I find anyone who can redistribute directly as we have plenty of nice but now neglected toys which could find new homes too.
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby supergirl » Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:57 pm

After searching high and low, i havent been able to find a charity who would accept used toys. They usually accept toys new and in their original packaging to make the children feel like any other children. I get their point.

(One charity said to me they were lacking toys this year as very low donation so far... I said why dont you take mine then, they all work and are in pristine condition but no packaging? I said used toys are better than none? But they said no :cry: )

Anyway i wanted to keep you informed. I shall try children hospitals now (and meanwhile i ll tell my kids that their toys havent found new families yet but i m working on it :?

A suggestion anyone please? Thanks. Sx
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby Joeyanna » Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:12 pm

I work in a London children's hospital in the east end, we are always really grateful for any donations. The only constraint is that toys have to be washable so plastic ones ideal whilst soft fabric ones are definitely out. I appreciate its a way to whitechapel but I'd be happy to take them for you if you would like to. Let me know!
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby sezwedz » Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:15 pm

My kids get secondhand toys all the time, and have a few under the tree for their christmas presents this year. Seems a pity, I'm sure any kid would love them new or not. Good luck on your search, what a shame it seems such an effort to give to others.
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby AbbevilleMummy » Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:27 pm

I agree with the hospital suggestion.

When I was younger, my brother and I were always taken to the local children's hospital in the run up to Christmas to donate the toys we no longer played with.

We were told that if we wanted new toys, we had to make room for them and Father Christmas only gives to those who are kind and giving to others.

It was a lovely ritual and I'm sure that somewhere like St Georges would be very grateful. On my last late night visit to the children's A&E, the toys were in a pretty poor state.
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby Mrs Contractor Mum » Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:47 am

I'm hoping one of the hospitals will be able to take the toys but if all else fails, you could try selling the toys on ebay/ gumtree etc and donate the money to a charity of your childrens choice.
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby luckymummy » Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:20 pm

Just following on from this... Has anyone given their kids old/unused toys to St George's? I have a huge train set that I want to give to a hospital but don't want to burden them with something big or unwanted? Are hospitals like some of the charities mentioned previously where they want new things. Anyone with any experience of giving to St George's in particular?
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby BabyMagic » Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:51 pm

I'm based at George's, I'm pretty sure we would very much welcome toys, but as a previous poster said, ones that are easy to disinfect with wipes and that would stand up to a deep clean...I will find out for you. I'm also pretty sure that KidsCompany would welcome toys for their playareas, and if they do, are a better option in a way that hospital as the children they reach out to are very poor and often neglected. The Salvation army would probably be happy for toys too, and women's shelters. Maybe not for Christmas, but for play at any time, and 'as good as new' toys at any time would make the day a kind of Christmas for them.
I think you have a wonderful family tradition, long may it continue, and what lucky kids you have to have such thoughtful and community-minded parents as role models!
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby luckymummy » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:51 am

Thanks for this, that is very helpful and a few good places to start with. I will start doing some research. I do like the idea of KidsCompany getting them. I had actually never heard of them before.
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby supergirl » Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:37 am

BabyMagic: thank you so much for your suggestions. We will do it again then before the long holidays start.
At Christmas i ended up taking the bag to paris and we gave the toys to LesPetits Freres des Pauvres. It raised a lot of questions from my kids such as "are they going to look after them" or "why does santa dont give them toys are they not nice". So quite hard to answer but i think my hisband and i managed ok!
I couldnt find anyone to dpeak to at St George who knew where to go to drop the toys and i didnt want to risk some disappointment on my kids side.
Thanks sgsin. Sx
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby sw11newby » Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:57 am

I posted a similar question yesterday and contacted Kids Company who are super keen for donations!

I understand that for anyone wanting their children to particpate this may not be ideal, but they do have a warehouse manager who handles all incoming donations so I'm sure you could ask him to explain how the toys will be used and maybe even show you around.
T: +44 (0) 845 644 6838
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Re: Nice toys looking for new families!

Postby luckymummy » Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:06 pm

That is brilliant, thanks so much for this!!
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