Rotavirus Vaccine

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Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby Janka » Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:59 pm

Dear mums,
I was just offered a rotavirus vaccination for my child from NHS. As I am against all these unneeded vaccinations, I cant decide if to take it or not.
Thanks for advice

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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby mamabel » Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:43 pm

[quote="Janka"]Dear mums,
I was just offered a rotavirus vaccination for my child from NHS. As I am against all these unneeded vaccinations, I cant decide if to take it or not.
Thanks for advice

What all those vaccinations that prevent your child suffering horrible diseases, permanent disability or death?
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby REDCOLABOTTLE » Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:03 am

My child had the rotavirus vaccine a few weeks ago. I'm afraid she reacted badly and had diarrhoea for over a week, went off her food, became very fussy and was obviously in pain when she was doing a dirty nappy. She then didnt put on weight for 3 weeks!

I wish I'd been better informed as I could have waited until she was 14 weeks to give the first dose and 23 to give the second. I'm horrified that the NHS introduced this vaccine without providing any information to parents in the immunisation leaflets and booklet.

That said none of the other babies who had the vaccine in my NCT group had any reaction.
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby biscuitbrown » Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:55 am

My baby had the rotavirus vaccine a few weeks ago & suffered no ill effects whatsoever. On the other hand my toddler had rotavirus last year & was extremely unwell with it, losing a huge amount of weight, giving it to us & developing a lactose intolerance as a result that we're still dealing with.
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby NYE31 » Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:41 am

My DS had the virus in early 2012 & was ill for 2 weeks, we ended up in A & E and he lost so much weight that his trousers were falling off him.

I would have let him have the vaccine had it been available.

It's a really nasty virus & highly contagious so anything to prevent it can only be a good thing.
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby Hwlondon1 » Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:43 am

I would definitley get the vaccination if you can. My 4.5 yr old got a severe dose of rotavirus 3 weeks ago and it was hideous for us all. After returning home from ballet within an hour she had vomitted and that was it.... the next seven days she had 'severe' diarreah, tummy cramps, high temperature and was very weak.

Our GP was great in reassuring me it was a bug and checked her for de - hydration as well as helping to relieve the cramps with a prescription, though he did say that 5 days of full on all round symptoms was severe and if by day 7 I wanted to take a stool sample in he would send away to get tested, shes a robust little thing that is usually good at fighting these bugs off but this was crippling, she will definitley be getting vaccinated once shes fighting fit again. After being at home with cabin fever for 6 days and looking after a 4month old baby I was elated when she was well enough to go back to school.

A week later after recovery she vomitted out of the blue again but had no other symptoms, shes now having some blood tests and her stools tested for added peace of mind

I felt desperate watching her be so poorly and stayed up around the night to keep an eye on her - I would absolutely get this vaccination to prevent this happening again, it really was awful.

All the best
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby lemonzest » Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:58 pm

HwLondon1 - I hope your little one is continuing to make a good recovery. I hope you don't mind me asking - you mention getting her vaccinated - I got the impression they could *only* be vaccinated if less than 24 weeks? Did you have different advice from your GP? Thanks.
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby Hwlondon1 » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:05 pm

I really should know as my baby has just had her last round of (usual) vaccinations last month.... Ummm I better check I assumed I could get the older one done but this may not be the case. We are with the GP after school today I will let you know once we discuss it further. I didnt really go into it when she was being looked at as I was too concerned with how she was at the time.

I'll let you know!
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby mumofboys » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:16 pm

Both my boys were vaccinated privately and we have never had any sickness or diarrhoea (I have probably cursed myself now). They are almost 4 and 2, had no adverse effects. I really recommend it.
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby supergirl » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:18 pm

May i ask you wise ladies to enlighten me as to what is the rotavirus and what is the vaccine? Thanks.
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby mumofboys » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:22 pm

It's sickness and diarrhoea, like norovirus I think. I understood adults tend to have immunity as we catch it in various forms 10s of times in childhood. TE vaccine is a few drops on the tongue so quite easy. They give it as standard in other countries and are just bringing it in here now.
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby B&BsMum » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:46 pm

This might help answer some questions, including the issue of age: ... s.aspx#why
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby Bubs » Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:41 pm

My daughter got very very poorly after contracting RV aged 3 weeks, and we're still suffering with its effect on her immune system (allergies, gastro issues, immune deficiencies). It's a seriously vicious bug, can lead to all sorts of health issues - its so much more than D&V, so very dangerous.

So I would have liked the vaccine to have been around when she was tiny.

That said, she would have caught RV prior to being vaccinated anyway. There were also some horror stories about the vaccine in the US, and whole threads about it on US babycentre. I think the vaccine was changed as a result - it did seem to make some children v poorly, maybe those who were a little compromised in some way already.

Rotavirus is the devil in our house, and to our consultant, so overall I'd do anything to avoid it. I know a pre-teen girl who developed Type 1 diabetes purely as a result of Rotavirus. It does horrible things to the immune system.
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby LKNorthcote » Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:07 pm

HI there,

To those of you who have experience RV, you poor things, how do they diagnose it, as opposed to passing it off as the norovirus or other bugs? My son and I both suffered diarrhoea last year for over 3 weeks and the docs were quite unhelpful.

Thanks x
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Re: Rotavirus Vaccine

Postby Bubs » Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:06 pm

Stool sample diagnosed it both times for us (yup, she caught it again - to a lesser extent second time round).
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