Thanks Windmill26, I have no intention of wasting much time on Parsley Song’s daft comments other than to briefly clarify something.
PS, you do indeed come across as negative and unhinged on this forum and this isn’t the first time someone has said this, so I think this is generally how you're perceived my most people. Also
I don’t think I’ve ever seen ANYONE EVER come out in support of you, what does that tell you? that perhaps that your manner and many of your views are considered toxic by the majority?
When enquiring about your identity in previous exchanges, it is for this reason - you constantly make snide, unnecessary, unpleasant comments about people while hiding behind your nom de plume, while I am completely transparent about who I am and what I do. It’s almost as if you’re embarrassed at your own opinions, or you don’t want people on here who may know you, to know PS is you. So it’s nothing to do with getting your address so I can troll you – you’re lying, AGAIN.
Just to briefly highlight another of your lies, my foot long posts that nobody reads? Why, in that case, do they regularly make the ‘most read’ list on NVN? You better have a word with admin bc it would appear her web site analytics aren’t working terribly well
I’m grateful for your intervention on this thread Windmill26, because I think you speak for many people on this forum. However, I think anyone as bitter as PS probably deserves our pity rather than our opprobrium. If admin does decide to take this post down, and I wouldn’t blame her, it’s not terribly edifying, we’ll just put another one up, which hopefully won’t be corrupted by PS's unpleasantness.
Admin, is there perhaps a reasonable argument now for suspending this account, she does rather pervasively infect and diminish this otherwise (in the main), pleasant, diverse and supportive community?
That’s my last comment on this thread other than to say please check out the attached leaflet – we have one EU national standing, the lovely Caroline Poschl from Austria, but we’d like many more, so please get in touch.