Cherry Orchard Primary School is a community primary school located in the London borough of Greenwich. The school serves a diverse population and has a high proportion of disadvantaged pupils. The recent inspection conducted in March 2019 rated the overall effectiveness of the school as good, with leadership and management, quality of teaching, personal development, behavior and welfare, outcomes for pupils, and early years provision all receiving the same rating.
The leadership team is dedicated to fostering a welcoming environment that prioritizes the safety and well-being of pupils. They have established strong relationships with students, parents, and the local community, ensuring that the school is a central part of the area. The school promotes high aspirations among pupils, and leaders actively support vulnerable families, providing resources such as food for those in need.
Pupils at Cherry Orchard Primary School are generally happy and demonstrate good attendance. They make good progress academically, with their performance in English and mathematics aligning with national averages by the end of Year 6. The quality of teaching is typically good, with teachers employing a variety of strategies to engage students and support their learning. However, there is room for improvement in how teachers utilize assessment information to tailor activities to meet individual pupil needs.
Behavior in the school is commendable, with pupils showing respect for one another and for adults. The atmosphere is calm and orderly, as pupils understand the expectations for their conduct. The early years provision is also rated as good, with children making strong progress across all areas of learning. The curriculum is designed to provide a broad range of subjects, and pupils are well-prepared for the next stages of their education.
The school has a clear understanding of its strengths and areas for improvement. Leaders have established effective staff training programs and foster collaboration with other schools to enhance teaching practices. However, there is a need for more rigorous monitoring of individual teacher development to ensure that all staff are equipped to improve their practice effectively.
Governance at the school is strong, with governors demonstrating a commitment to supporting school leaders and ensuring accountability. They are knowledgeable about the school’s operations and engage in regular training to enhance their skills. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with thorough procedures in place to protect pupils and ensure their well-being.
Pupils make good progress from their starting points, with disadvantaged pupils achieving as well as their peers nationally. The school promotes a love of reading, and pupils are encouraged to engage with a variety of texts. Outcomes in subjects beyond English and mathematics, such as science and history, are also strong, reflecting a well-rounded educational experience.
In summary, Cherry Orchard Primary School is a good school that effectively serves its community. It provides a nurturing environment where pupils can thrive academically and socially. The leadership team is focused on continuous improvement, and with targeted efforts to enhance teaching practices and individual support, the school is well-positioned to achieve even greater success in the future.