St Thomas More Catholic Primary School in Eltham, London, has been recognized as a good school following its recent inspection. The school is characterized by a warm, inclusive, and friendly environment where pupils enjoy attending. The mission of the school, which emphasizes learning together and loving others, is evident in the actions of both pupils and staff. Recently, students collaborated to establish five new values that align with the school’s vision, working with an artist in residence to create art displays that reflect these values.
The leadership at St Thomas More has high expectations for all pupils, ensuring that they are fully included in the school community. Pupils express happiness and a sense of safety within the school, participating enthusiastically in assemblies and demonstrating good behavior both in class and throughout the school. The school employs a ‘three for me’ system, allowing each pupil to identify three trusted adults to approach if they have concerns.
Educational outings are integrated into the curriculum, enhancing learning experiences across various subjects. For instance, pupils have visited the Thames Barrier for geography and the Florence Nightingale Museum for history. Younger children also have opportunities for hands-on experiences, such as visiting a local farm. The school offers a variety of extracurricular clubs, including musical theatre, taekwondo, and gymnastics, alongside special events like enterprise week and a science festival.
The curriculum at St Thomas More is broad and ambitious, developed in collaboration with other local schools. Leaders have carefully selected the knowledge pupils should acquire and the sequence in which it is taught. For example, in geography, pupils enhance their fieldwork and map-reading skills progressively. Overall, pupils demonstrate strong learning outcomes across subjects, building their understanding and vocabulary effectively. However, there are inconsistencies in the implementation of the curriculum across different subjects, which can affect the depth of knowledge pupils acquire.
Reading is prioritized from the start of Reception, with pupils engaging with books that correspond to the phonics they are learning. The school fosters a love of reading through well-stocked class libraries and a new school library, encouraging pupils to participate in book reviews and paired reading schemes. Staff are proactive in identifying pupils who struggle with reading and provide necessary support to help them catch up. The school’s performance in phonics and reading outcomes is commendable.
St Thomas More effectively identifies and addresses the needs of pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Staff adapt teaching methods to ensure all pupils receive the support they require, leading to high achievement among these students. Teachers possess strong subject knowledge and present information clearly, although some assessment systems to gauge pupils’ understanding in lessons are not fully established, which can lead to gaps in awareness regarding pupils’ knowledge.
Attendance rates are high, and the school monitors attendance diligently, addressing any absences promptly. Expectations for pupil behavior are high, and pupils generally respond positively, demonstrating respect towards one another and staff. Opportunities for pupils to take on responsibilities are abundant, with various roles such as travel ambassadors and school council members.
Leaders and governors have worked collaboratively to maintain high standards since the last inspection, implementing key improvements, particularly in the school environment and enrichment offerings. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, fostering a culture of vigilance and care for pupils. Overall, while the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for further improvement in the consistency of curriculum implementation and assessment practices.