Bishop John Robinson Church of England Primary School, located in Thamesmead, London, has undergone an ungraded inspection on 24 and 25 April 2024. The overall judgement remains good, although evidence suggests that a graded inspection might yield a lower rating. The school is characterized by a small, close-knit community where staff demonstrate genuine care for pupils. The core values of compassion, trust, and forgiveness are integral to the school's ethos, fostering warm relationships between adults and children. Pupils feel safe and happy, contributing to high attendance rates.
The school offers numerous leadership opportunities for pupils, such as junior travel ambassadors and roles in the school council. This involvement helps pupils learn about well-being and emotional regulation. The school maintains high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. However, these expectations are not consistently met, particularly in reading support, which is less effective than necessary. The curriculum lacks clarity regarding essential knowledge and skills across subjects, hindering pupils' overall achievement, especially in the early years.
Despite these challenges, the school has developed a broad curriculum that aligns with national expectations. Leaders are thoughtful about engaging pupils in their learning, resulting in motivated students. In subjects like computing, the curriculum is well-structured, allowing pupils to explore key concepts effectively. However, many subjects still require development, and the curriculum does not adequately identify the key knowledge pupils should acquire over time. This gap affects pupils' preparedness for subsequent educational stages.
The school identifies pupils with special educational needs promptly and provides appropriate support, enabling them to access the curriculum. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of curriculum delivery varies, with some classes offering activities that do not align closely with curriculum goals. Regular assessment of pupils' understanding is not consistently implemented, leading to missed learning gaps. Consequently, pupils may progress to new content before mastering prior knowledge, limiting their readiness for future learning.
In the early years, children engage in enjoyable activities like rhymes and stories, laying a foundation for reading. However, phonics instruction does not ensure that pupils build their phonetic skills securely. Many pupils do not read books that correspond to the sounds they are learning, which affects their ability to decode unfamiliar words and read fluently. Although older pupils express enthusiasm for reading, the overall phonics outcomes for Year 1 pupils in 2023 were low.
The school's approach to behavior is rooted in its value of forgiveness, promoting a respectful and polite environment. Pupils demonstrate maturity and care for one another, contributing to a positive school culture. Attendance is notably high, reflecting pupils' enjoyment of school. Leaders effectively address any attendance issues that arise.
The school prioritizes pupils' broader development through collective worship and various extracurricular activities, including a popular choir and clubs in science, coding, art, Spanish, and tennis. Staff feel supported by leadership, appreciating the consideration given to their workload and well-being. Governors are committed to the school's improvement.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. To enhance its performance, the school must focus on improving phonics instruction, ensuring regular practice and appropriate reading materials. Additionally, the curriculum needs clearer identification of essential knowledge and skills, with a structured approach to checking pupils' understanding during lessons. The early years curriculum requires coherent planning to better prepare children for future learning. Overall, while the school demonstrates strengths in various areas, targeted improvements are necessary to elevate its educational quality further.