Simon Marks Jewish Primary School, located in Stoke Newington, Hackney, London, has recently undergone an inspection on the 28th and 29th of February 2024. The overall effectiveness of the school has been rated as good, with specific areas such as behaviour and attitudes receiving an outstanding rating. The quality of education, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision have all been rated as good. The school has maintained its previous inspection grade of good from January 2023.
Pupils at Simon Marks are reported to be happy and engaged in their learning environment, which is characterized by respect and safety. The school has established a culture where pupils feel secure and know they can seek help from teachers when needed. The leadership team is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The curriculum is designed to be ambitious and comprehensive, allowing pupils to produce high-quality work across various subjects. The school prepares its students well for the next stages of their education.
Students are encouraged to participate actively in school life, with opportunities such as peer mediation and fundraising for new playground equipment. The curriculum also incorporates lessons on democracy, allowing pupils to engage in activities like voting for a school parliament. The school promotes community involvement, with pupils participating in events such as a baking competition to celebrate Purim and raise money for charity.
The curriculum meets national requirements and includes Jewish studies and Hebrew lessons. Leaders have carefully organized the curriculum to ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs, can practice and embed their learning over time. For instance, in mathematics, early years pupils develop an understanding of numbers, which is built upon as they progress through the school. However, there are areas where assessment practices are inconsistent, leading to some pupils not securing deep knowledge in certain subjects.
Pupils with special educational needs are identified promptly, and their additional needs are well supported. The school provides an adapted curriculum for pupils in the specialist provision, focusing on language and communication skills. Reading is prioritized, with pupils enjoying library visits and engaging in phonics from the Reception Year. Teachers monitor reading progress closely and provide interventions for those who may be falling behind.
The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, with initiatives supporting mental health and promoting inclusion. Behaviour is exceptional, with high expectations and well-established routines contributing to a positive atmosphere. Attendance is also a focus, with effective systems in place to ensure pupils arrive on time.
While leaders understand their statutory responsibilities, there are areas where oversight could be improved. Actions to address issues, particularly with external agencies, are not always timely or robust. Staff express positive experiences working at the school, appreciating the consideration given to their workload and well-being.
The safeguarding arrangements at Simon Marks are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils. However, the school needs to clarify the most important knowledge in some subjects to ensure consistent focus on developing pupils' understanding. Additionally, systems should be established to provide leaders with the necessary information to support and challenge the school's work effectively. Overall, Simon Marks Jewish Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering a supportive community for its pupils.