Robert Blair School, located in Islington, London, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following an inspection conducted from May 9 to May 10, 2019. The leadership and management of the school are deemed good, with leaders and governors having made significant staffing changes to ensure a high quality of education. They possess a clear understanding of the areas needing improvement and have acted swiftly to implement necessary changes. The newly appointed leaders are aware that they require more time to fully embed their curriculum development initiatives.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is also rated as good. Best practices are shared among teachers, who appreciate the professional development opportunities available to them. The curriculum is broad and balanced, with pupils making notable progress in subjects such as art and history. Literacy and numeracy are effectively taught and integrated across the curriculum, although there are occasional inconsistencies in the presentation of pupils' work, particularly in English.
The school is highly inclusive, providing good support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), who make commendable progress from their starting points. The early years foundation stage is well-regarded, with children making strong progress due to well-planned and engaging learning experiences that enhance their literacy and numeracy skills. Pupils exhibit good behavior and take pride in their school, benefiting from attentive pastoral care from the moment they enroll. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development effectively, teaching them to be responsible citizens.
Safeguarding measures are effective, ensuring that pupils feel safe and know how to protect themselves in the wider community. The school has identified areas for further improvement, including enhancing the expectations for pupils' work presentation and developing the skills of newly appointed middle leaders to monitor the curriculum's impact on outcomes more precisely.
Governance is strong, with governors actively involved in the school's life and well-informed about its strengths and areas for improvement. They hold leaders accountable for the effective use of additional funding, ensuring that resources for disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are utilized effectively. The school has successfully addressed previous underachievement in specific subjects and among certain pupil groups, promoting equality of opportunity through its curriculum.
The quality of teaching in reading, writing, and mathematics is good across both key stages, with lessons tailored to support all pupils' progress. Teachers employ various strategies to challenge the most able pupils, and there is a consistent approach to teaching reading and writing across year groups. The inclusion team ensures that pupils with SEND receive high-quality support, enabling them to thrive.
Pupils' outcomes are good, with significant improvements noted in reading and mathematics since the previous inspection. Current pupils are performing at or above age-related expectations, and there has been a marked improvement in reading proficiency across key stages. The school has also seen progress among groups that previously underachieved, with boys now performing as well as girls.
In the early years, effective actions have led to a higher proportion of children achieving a good level of development. The school fosters strong relationships with parents, enhancing children's learning experiences. Overall, Robert Blair School demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils, ensuring a supportive and enriching educational environment.