Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Christ The King RC Primary School on 13 February 2019, following its previous judgment of good in December 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education. Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards their learning, demonstrating conscientiousness and the ability to work both independently and collaboratively. They show pride in their school and adhere to the established rules of readiness, respect, and safety.
The leadership team, including the executive headteacher, has effectively collaborated with senior leaders, the partner school, local authority, and governors to uphold educational standards. Leaders accurately evaluate the school's performance and identify key areas for development. The training programs for leaders have enhanced their ability to support and challenge teachers effectively. Governors receive detailed information regarding the impact of initiatives on teaching and standards, and their visits are focused on school improvement priorities.
Parents express overwhelming positivity about the school, and staff have fostered strong partnerships with families, enhancing engagement in school activities. Various training opportunities are available to develop teachers' skills at different career stages, which teachers appreciate as they seek to improve their teaching and student outcomes. Safeguarding measures are effective, with leaders ensuring that all arrangements are suitable and that staff and pupils receive regular guidance on safety issues. Pupils feel safe at school and know whom to approach if they encounter problems.
The inspection highlighted attendance as a key area of focus due to previous concerns about overall attendance rates and persistent absence. The school has implemented robust monitoring systems and targeted support for families, resulting in a marked reduction in persistent absenteeism compared to the previous academic year. Leaders, including governors, are committed to improving attendance and regularly review the effectiveness of their initiatives. However, challenges remain, particularly regarding term-time holidays impacting attendance figures.
The inspection also examined how well leaders are addressing the performance of boys in reading and writing. Pupils are provided with clear purposes for their writing, and the curriculum is designed to engage them in meaningful learning experiences. The phonics program has yielded positive outcomes, laying a solid foundation for reading. Leaders have introduced various competitions and rewards to encourage reading, and pupils are motivated to participate in reading challenges.
Teachers are effectively trained to challenge the most able pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. They use questioning techniques to stimulate critical thinking and encourage peer discussions. The assessment systems in place provide accurate information about pupil progress, allowing leaders to guide lesson planning and allocate additional support where necessary. However, there is a need for greater accountability among teachers in year groups not subject to statutory assessments.
In summary, the school is performing well, with effective leadership, positive pupil attitudes, and strong parental engagement. However, further efforts are needed to improve attendance and ensure that all teachers are held accountable for pupil outcomes in statutory assessments. The school is on a positive trajectory, with a commitment to continuous improvement and a focus on providing high-quality education for all pupils.