Walnut Tree Walk Primary School in London has been recognized for its strong performance in education, maintaining an overall judgement of good following an ungraded inspection. The inspection, conducted on 16 and 17 April 2024, indicated that the school might achieve an outstanding rating if a graded inspection were to take place. The school is characterized by a supportive environment where pupils feel safe and happy. They are aware of whom to approach if they have concerns and are educated on online safety.
The staff at Walnut Tree Walk emphasize positive behavior and teach pupils how to interact appropriately with one another. In the classroom, students display enthusiasm for their learning, engage in discussions about their work, and listen to their peers with respect. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils trust that any issues will be addressed effectively. The school has developed a broad and ambitious curriculum, with leaders committed to ensuring the success of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Specialist teachers deliver certain subjects, such as music, dance, and computing, which help nurture pupils' talents and interests. The school encourages students to take on various responsibilities, including roles as eco-ambassadors and school councillors. Well-being ambassadors promote kindness and mediate minor disputes among pupils.
The curriculum is designed to inspire a love of reading from the earliest stages, with children introduced to rhymes, songs, and engaging texts in Nursery. The phonics program begins in Reception, and support is provided to any children who struggle, ensuring they become confident readers. In mathematics, pupils learn to calculate confidently before applying their skills in more complex situations. The curriculum is structured to build on knowledge progressively, with subjects revisited to reinforce learning.
Pupils appreciate feedback from teachers, which helps them improve their work. The school effectively identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs, adapting teaching methods to support their learning. Disruption in classrooms is uncommon, and when issues arise, staff focus on constructive discussions to help pupils understand the impact of their actions.
The school actively works to improve attendance and reduce persistent absence through various strategies, including engaging with parents when attendance concerns arise. Pupils benefit from a range of extracurricular activities, including after-school clubs and local community engagement, such as visiting retirement facilities.
Walnut Tree Walk is well-led, with staff expressing pride in their work and feeling supported by school leaders. Regular training and guidance are provided to staff, contributing to a positive working environment. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school and its staff, reflecting a strong community connection.
Governors demonstrate a clear understanding of the school's systems, including safeguarding, and are committed to supporting staff while ensuring high-quality leadership. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, contributing to a safe and nurturing environment for all pupils.
This inspection marks the second ungraded evaluation since the school was last judged to be good in September 2014. The school does not utilize alternative provisions for its pupils, focusing on delivering quality education within its own framework. The inspection process included discussions with school leaders, staff, and pupils, as well as a review of documentation related to behavior and welfare, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the school's performance.