Grinling Gibbons Primary School, located in Deptford, London, underwent an inspection on 21 and 22 September 2022, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The quality of education, leadership and management, and early years provision were also rated as good, while behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development, received outstanding ratings. The school has maintained its good status since the previous inspection in May 2017.
The school fosters a positive environment where pupils are encouraged to believe in themselves. Staff members are dedicated to helping students achieve high standards in their learning. The curriculum is designed with aspirational goals, ensuring that pupils learn and retain essential knowledge over time. Pupils exhibit exemplary behaviour, treating one another with respect, and classrooms are calm and orderly, with minimal disruption. When issues arise, staff address them promptly and effectively.
Personal development is a strong focus at Grinling Gibbons, with a variety of activities that broaden pupils' experiences. The school emphasizes understanding diversity and recognizing individual strengths and talents. Leaders instill a culture of ambition, encouraging pupils to aim high in their future endeavors. This ethos is evident in the pride pupils take in their school and community.
The school has a well-structured approach to teaching reading, starting as soon as children join. Phonics instruction is delivered consistently by skilled staff, enabling pupils to become fluent readers by the end of Year 2. Support is available for those who need additional help, fostering a love for reading among students. Alongside reading, spoken language development is prioritized, with pupils learning to articulate their ideas and engage in debates.
Teachers organize learning to build knowledge in a clear and sequenced manner, ensuring that pupils can recall and apply what they have learned. While staff are becoming more adept at extending pupils' understanding, some subject leaders are still developing their expertise, particularly in implementing the updated curriculum. Assessment practices in English and mathematics are effective, but there is a need for improvement in other subjects to provide useful insights into pupils' understanding.
Inclusion is central to the school's philosophy, with a strong commitment to supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. These pupils have access to the full curriculum, with necessary adaptations in place. The school prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain, promoting respect and understanding of diverse backgrounds. Pupils are encouraged to engage in discussions about complex issues, developing their ability to express opinions thoughtfully.
The new senior leadership team has established a clear vision that is shared by staff and pupils. Professional development is prioritized, with support and mentoring available for teachers. The governing body, composed of new members, is supportive of the leadership's efforts to enhance the curriculum and improve pupil achievement.
Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders understanding the needs of their community and working closely with families. Staff are vigilant and well-trained, ensuring that pupils feel safe and know how to maintain their well-being. Overall, while the school demonstrates many strengths, there are areas for continued development, particularly in enhancing the expertise of subject leaders and refining assessment practices across the curriculum.