St Stephen’s CofE Primary School, located in Deptford, London, received a positive inspection report, reflecting its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place on June 21 and 22, 2022, and the school has maintained this rating since its previous inspection in March 2017. The school is characterized by a strong sense of community, with pupils expressing enjoyment in attending and describing the environment as family-like. Parents overwhelmingly support the school, with all respondents to the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire indicating they would recommend it. They appreciate the care and attention their children receive.
Pupils exhibit good behavior, guided by the school’s values of kindness, honesty, self-control, respect, and perseverance. They are taught the importance of politeness and respect, and there are effective measures in place to address any instances of bullying. The leadership team has high expectations for all pupils, ensuring they are engaged in a broad curriculum that covers a wide range of subjects. Pupils benefit from various activities and events that enhance their learning experience, such as applying geographical knowledge in outdoor education lessons.
The curriculum is well-planned and interesting, catering for the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Staff demonstrate strong subject knowledge, enabling them to identify and address gaps in pupils’ understanding effectively. The curriculum is relevant to the pupils and the community, with practical applications in subjects like art and design, where pupils explore portraiture through various techniques.
While the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for improvement. Leaders are beginning to consider how early years learning connects with future year groups, particularly in mathematics. Although children in the early years receive a solid foundation in mathematical concepts, there is a need for clearer progression as they transition into Year 1 and beyond. Additionally, in some subjects, the order of content delivery has not been thoroughly planned, which can hinder pupils' understanding over time. For instance, in geography, pupils encountered complex map-reading skills without a strong grasp of the countries that comprise the United Kingdom.
The school has implemented a reading program that effectively supports phonics development, starting from Nursery. Pupils learn to read and spell with increasing accuracy as they progress through the school. Staff ensure that reading materials align with the phonics knowledge being taught, and additional support is provided for those who need it, including pupils with SEND. Older pupils also play a role in supporting younger students' reading, fostering a positive reading culture.
Pupils are well-behaved and learn about the school’s values through various themes, including bullying and online safety. They have numerous opportunities to take on responsibilities, such as participating in the school council and serving as house captains or sports leaders. The school promotes wider development through sports and community engagement, including charity work and visits to local universities and art galleries.
Staff feel supported by the leadership team, appreciating the consideration given to their well-being. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with robust systems in place to monitor and address concerns. Leaders are aware of their responsibilities and work collaboratively with external agencies when necessary. Overall, St Stephen’s CofE Primary School provides a nurturing and effective educational environment, with a commitment to continuous improvement in its curriculum and teaching practices.