Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Conisborough College on February 1, 2024, following three successive judgments of requires improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection in April 2022. The inspection team, led by His Majesty's Inspector, engaged with co-headteachers John Cavadino and Kate Mahar, senior leaders, members of the interim executive board, and representatives from the United Learning Trust to evaluate the actions taken to improve the school.
Since the last inspection, there have been significant changes in leadership, including the appointment of two co-headteachers and the establishment of an interim executive board to support the school. The school is also in the process of joining the United Learning Trust. These changes have led to an increased breadth of subjects in the curriculum, aligning with the national curriculum's ambitions. The school has revised the subject options selection process for Year 9 students to encourage more pupils to pursue the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects at GCSE. Additionally, the PSHE curriculum has been expanded to provide Year 11 students with age-appropriate information, including relationships and sex education.
Staff training has focused on effective assessment practices to enhance understanding of pupils' knowledge and retention. Teachers are now better equipped to identify and address misconceptions through formative assessments. A new literacy strategy has been implemented to support pupils needing additional help with reading, and there is a greater emphasis on developing oracy and literacy skills across subjects.
The school has also relaunched its behavior policy, with training provided to staff to ensure consistency in its application. Observations indicate that behavior in the school is generally calm and orderly, with improvements noted in lessons. However, low-level disruptions still affect learning in some classes, and concerns have been raised about the inconsistency in managing instances of poor behavior.
Professional development for staff has been prioritized, with positive feedback regarding the impact of training on teaching practices. The interim executive board has emphasized staff wellbeing in decision-making processes, providing robust support during this transitional period. Staff feel well-informed about changes occurring within the school.
The United Learning Trust has offered external support to enhance the school's curriculum and assessment practices, as well as to improve behavior management. This support has been well-received by the staff, contributing to a more cohesive approach to school improvement.
Overall, while progress has been made in various areas, further work is necessary for Conisborough College to achieve a good rating. The leadership changes, curriculum enhancements, and professional development initiatives are steps in the right direction, but ongoing challenges, particularly regarding behavior management and consistency in teaching practices, need to be addressed to ensure sustained improvement. The inspection highlighted the importance of continued focus on these areas to foster an environment conducive to effective learning and teaching. The findings from this monitoring inspection will be shared with relevant stakeholders, including the chair of the executive board and the regional director for the Department for Education. The letter detailing these findings will also be published on the Ofsted reports website for public access.