Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Brent Knoll School on 5 June 2019, following its previous judgment of good in July 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the new headteacher since January 2019, has demonstrated ambition and commitment to improving outcomes for pupils. They have established a culture of high expectations and implemented robust systems and processes that have positively impacted teaching and learning. The middle leadership team has been strengthened, fostering collaboration and sharing of best practices across all key stages. The governing body possesses a strong understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, recognizing the need for time to solidify these systems for optimal pupil outcomes.
Parents and carers express positive views about the school, appreciating the support provided for both children and families. They highlight the innovative teaching approaches that contribute to their children's progress. A notable strength of the school is the level of home-school support, ensuring that pupils receive early assistance when needed. The school has successfully built trusting relationships with families and multi-agency professionals.
The atmosphere within the school is calm and purposeful, with a strong emphasis on inclusion. This is reflected in the displays of pupils' work and the celebration of their achievements. Safeguarding measures are effective, with secure procedures in place and staff receiving relevant training. The management of school transport ensures that pupils arrive and leave safely, with health and safety protocols firmly established. Behaviour among pupils is generally positive, with a systematic approach to developing social communication and behaviour intervention support for those who require it. Attendance rates are improving steadily, supported by the efforts of teachers and senior leaders.
The inspection focused on the school’s ability to measure pupils’ progress consistently and improve outcomes across key stages. The quality of the curriculum from early years to key stage 4 was also evaluated, as it was identified as an area for development in the previous inspection. The school has developed a broad curriculum that meets the diverse learning needs of its pupils, ensuring appropriate adaptations are made. Pupils leave the school with a minimum of ten qualifications, including GCSEs and entry-level qualifications, which prepares them well for their next educational steps.
Pupils express confidence in the positive impact of the school on their lives and learning, feeling listened to and valued. They report feeling safe and empowered, with the most able pupils taking on roles as role models for younger peers. The personal, social, and health education curriculum effectively addresses individual needs and enhances understanding of autism spectrum disorder. The school day extends beyond traditional classroom learning, with staff employing purposeful communication strategies to engage pupils in various activities.
Moving forward, leaders and governors are encouraged to ensure that assessment information is utilized cohesively across the school to identify pupils’ next steps in learning, thereby securing even stronger outcomes. The inspection findings will be shared with the governing body, regional schools commissioner, and the director of children’s services for Lewisham, and will be published on the Ofsted website.