St Francis RC Primary School, located in Peckham, London, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 14 and 15, 2023. The school fosters a welcoming environment where pupils are kind, inquisitive, and engaged in their learning. Students feel happy and safe, knowing that staff are available to support them during challenging times. The high expectations set by the staff resonate with the pupils, who take pride in their achievements and demonstrate confidence in their learning abilities.
The behavior of the pupils is commendable, characterized by calmness and respect towards staff and peers. Early years children are well-prepared for their transition to Year 1, learning routines that promote understanding of others' needs. The school encourages collaboration among pupils, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect. Opportunities for leadership are provided through initiatives like the school council and the 'Minnie Vinnies,' where pupils engage in community discussions and lead fundraising efforts.
The curriculum at St Francis is ambitious and well-structured, ensuring a coherent progression of learning from early years through to Year 6. Recent curriculum reviews have led to deeper teaching in certain subjects, although some changes are still in the process of being fully integrated. Teachers are knowledgeable about the essential content and skills required for their subjects, effectively explaining new concepts and modeling vocabulary. However, there are instances where teachers do not adequately assess pupils' understanding, leading to gaps in knowledge that can hinder learning.
The school has implemented a systematic approach to teaching reading, with early phonics instruction starting in Reception. Staff are well-trained and regularly monitor pupils' reading progress, providing additional support for those who struggle. Nonetheless, there are occasions when staff do not consistently encourage pupils to practice their decoding skills, which can affect their reading development.
Leaders are proactive in identifying and supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they receive appropriate assistance to access the curriculum alongside their peers. The school environment is conducive to learning, with minimal disruption from poor behavior. Pupils are focused and eager to participate in lessons, demonstrating the school's values of honesty and tolerance.
Wider development is promoted through a diverse curriculum that includes education about different faiths and opportunities for pupils to explore their interests, such as music and sports. The governing body effectively fulfills its responsibilities, holding school leaders accountable for their actions. Staff express satisfaction with their work environment, noting manageable workloads and support for their well-being.
The safeguarding measures in place are effective, with a dedicated team prioritizing the safety and well-being of pupils. Leaders maintain strong relationships with families and collaborate with various professionals to ensure comprehensive support for students. The school provides guidance to parents on keeping children safe online and promoting healthy lifestyles.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Teachers need to systematically check pupils' understanding and address any knowledge gaps before introducing new content. Additionally, a consistent approach to supporting pupils learning to read should be established to enhance their decoding skills. Overall, St Francis RC Primary School continues to provide a positive educational experience for its pupils, fostering a supportive and ambitious learning environment.